Mystery solved!
Mystery solved!
I’ve heard it can be caused by trauma to the head. They aren’t all that uncommon. I know a few people with one or more spots.
She’s just honouring their culture!
That combined with his concern for wrestle mania broke my cold, dark heart.
Haha I agree with you ;)
Why does everyone keep saying “Haibach’s DNA” was on the bullet. Where did that DNA come from? Presumably it would have to be blood. But why is blood never actually mentioned?
But that’s the problem with the system though, isn’t it? Police can coerce accusations the same way they can coerce confessions. It is not her fault and she feels incredible remorse. What more can we ask of her?
She’s not boasting, she’s giving a nod to PP for allowing her to have safe, baby-free sex.
Same. I’m so impressed by her attitude about that whole fuck up. That is a classy lady, right there.
They are cheeky little shits and that is why I love them. Same reason I love cats. Good news is cats aren’t quite as equipped tear you apart with their canines and transmit deadly diseases.
Try telling people you study rhesus macaques.
I’m pretty sure they ask the bachelor(ette) what/who they are attracted to. So a more ‘diverse’ cast should reflect a lead that is interested in other ethnicities.
“I know what happened at the party, they all know what happened, but I CAN’T tell you. It’s really scandalous though. You wouldn’t believe it.”
Are they missing an opportunity? Probably.
You’re absolutely right. If I became famous I’m pretty sure I would earn Anne Hathaway-level hatred. I’m nerdy and stubborn and argumentative and, when uncomfortable, revert to hyper-confidence that comes of as arrogant. I know it does, I just have a hard time changing the way I cope. Anne seems like a lovely human…
I have no idea what ‘malfunction’ they are talking about, but Anne SLAYED him with that answer. Thanks for sharing.
Perhaps you should stop stirring the pot on Jezebel and go stalk people for pictures so you can pay your rent then? Congratulations on being the first person I have ever heard defend paparazzi trash.