My gut reaction is to tell you to go for it. If you are that miserable now you’re likely to stay that way in that environment. No one needs that.
My gut reaction is to tell you to go for it. If you are that miserable now you’re likely to stay that way in that environment. No one needs that.
I am a TA for a first year undergraduate course and the training students get in high school about how to write a paper is just abysmal. It’s not the teachers’ fault at all. I am sure they have no choice but to follow the curriculum. I shudder to think what a grad school level essay written by someone who never…
You are super duper :)
I enjoyed that video more than I thought I would.
I know someone that got “live laugh love” TATTOOED ON THEIR BODY. Not sure if the regret has kicked in yet.
And each one from a different country.
I know internet hugs won’t make this go away, but I am so sorry. You won’t always feel the way you are feeling now. Try to remember that xo.
Buy this thing - you’ll look just like me!
This is absolutely wonderful. Thank you.
Water Under the Bridge.
This is news to me. Please elaborate.
Stomach, not side. That’s why the trunk story doesn’t make sense; there’s no room for a 5’7’’ girl to be flat on her stomach.
Spot on. I can’t believe people are using sex as an explanation for a family friend trying to help.
You really, really need to listen to Undisclosed. It’s a bit of a slog sometimes, but if you’re saying Adnan is guilty based on Serial then you are missing 90% of the story.
It’s not everyday someone makes a spot-on phrenology joke. I tip my hate to you.
We are a bit more precise than that in Canada. For example 1.76 and 1.77 round down to 1.75. I think they probably wanted to keep people from complaining as much as possible. If you pay with debit or credit you pay the full amount though.
I agree that the coins are heavy, but I’m Canadian so to me 1 bill = at least $5. It’s so upsetting when I’m in the US and I pull out a bill only to find $1.
I had Americans visiting me in Canada about a week before the penny was going to be phased out in 2013. They were amazed.
I just want to be her friend so bad. She seems like such a wonderful (not to mention hilarious) woman.
I’m having fun imaging that conversation: