Have you ever had problems with the Diva cup leaking overnight? My moon cup does every. damn. time. I’d be willing to shell out another $30 if it meant I could go back to a cup.
Have you ever had problems with the Diva cup leaking overnight? My moon cup does every. damn. time. I’d be willing to shell out another $30 if it meant I could go back to a cup.
Counting monkeys ;)
My moon cup doesn’t work overnight :’( It always leaks. I am really broken hearted about it because I love that thing. But I have such a light flow when I am on the pill it just doesn’t make sense to use it during the day and switch over to tampons at night. If anyone else has had this problem and found a solution,…
I have spent a lot of time in the tropics while doing fieldwork; we are talking super remote, Bornean jungle for weeks at a time, with endless sweat pouring out of your body. I couldn’t understand why after wearing a pad for a day or two the skin around my vagina started to get really sore to the touch. Then I…
Nice job on blaming women for being in abusive relationships. Thanks for that.
Agreed.I have never been a fan of Swift, and admittedly I have been too hard on her at times. So I told myself I would watch this video without that negative attitude. I thought “Hey, at least she is showing that women (in the entertainment industry) can work together and support each other.”. Then I realized this…
I’m sorry you had to deal with that wiener. You look beautiful! Rock on!
My friend has an Emma AND a Sophia ;)
I have a vault story too! Not nearly as concrete as yours but when I was on my tour there was a natural break in the guide’s speech and during those two seconds of silence we ALL heard a sound in the adjacent room, kind of like a pebble hitting a wall and then the ground. We all looked at each other and she just kept…
I believe in pink, I believe in laughing, I believe in trading fellatio for open doors.
That was an assault on my ears and my morals. Who the fuck is buying into this garbage? Open the door for me and I will give you (head) kisses? GREAT THANKS MEGHAN.
We also denied entry to the Westboro Baptist Church. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Brown.
I'm the only one that has watched this more than once?
Prince William And Kate's First Interview Since Getting Engaged
I'll see myself out.
Because she's a mediocre vocalist at best. I have some respect for Taylor as a human being, don't get me wrong. But take away the backing track and she is wholly underwhelming.
Am I really the only one that thinks this looks like garbage? I loved the first film, but even I had to admit it was partly terrible. This just looks bad. Not even 'bad-but-I-will-love-it-anyway'. Just bad.
What if we just didn't give a shit about Taylor's body and respected her right not to show it off instead of fetishizing her? I'm no fan of Taylor, but her choice to have kept herself largely covered up until now is her choice. This is ridiculous. This is not what I come to Jezebel to read.
They named two of them Kenleigh and Kayleigh. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? A matching first letter is bad enough between FIVE girls, but at least give them unique syllables!
I tried masturbating several times over the course of my late teens and early twenties and I never got anywhere close to reaching orgasm. I read websites, I talked to my friends, I bought a vibrator, nothing worked. I vividly remember bursting into tears after having sex with my boyfriend once because I was so…
This was me in my early twenties. I had never figured out how to make myself come, and my boyfriend never did either. He had once told me tales of multi-orgasmic nights with his ex, and tried to comfort me by telling me I probably just wasn't physically capable (because, you know, if HE couldn't make me come, no one…
I lost mine to a guy who collected V-cards. But he is super lame now and I am awesome, so I am only 78% embarrassed.