

Thank you. You have done important work here.

I need to comment here that NO ONE is Pro-Abortion. We are Pro-Choice, Pro-Healthcare-Should-Be-Between-A-Dr-And-The-Patient, Pro-Reproductive-Freedom. The same way that no one is out there performing Post-Birth Abortions (which seriously is NOT A FUCKING THING).

Then fucking quit you dimwitted garbage person.

Can we put Chris O’Dowd on this list to kick off Pratt?

Leia’s last name is only Organa because she was adopted by the Organas. She’s a Skywalker and always has been.

OK - as someone COMPLETELY NEW to the game, can anyone comment on the gameplay? I tend to like games that play relatively simply, but am not a big fan of turned based games like most of the Final Fantasy games. I love the visuals, but get bored by that kind of gameplay. I’m looking for something new to throw my time

Hey now... It’s ATTEMPTED rape. Give the guy a break. I mean what 17 yr old boy HASN’T attempted rape?

So much yes in that trailer. I adored the strangeness of The Lobster - this looks so wonderfully fun!

Those of us who do not see Pelosi as part of the problem are dangerously delusional. She and her ilk have had plenty of time to affect change and have allowed this to happen. Garland should be seated in the SCOTUS and we should not be fearing for our hardwon rights. Pelosi would have us roll over an take whatever is

I use Thinkx underwear for my not heavy days & they work great - you still have to rinse them out & let them air dry, but they dry fast (overnight) and cleaners would be less likely to be squicked out by underwear than by pads. 

What is the deal with all the friggin neck beards? GUYS - THIS IS NOT A GOOD LOOK.

I needed this so badly today.

You are not a lost cause. You have worth. The world is a better place with you in it.

My husband was approached by a group of townies while in college and shoved back. He took a bad step off a curb and broke his ankle. Fight ended before it really began.

You’re probably right - BUT WHY????

The jeans that Bella Hadid is wearing is giving me some serious mom Jean feelings.

The looks they share. Everything. Just everything.

I’m sorry Bobby but Pine is NOT the best Chris. Exhibit A: