
Man, if you’re past it then you shouldn’t have an issue with the positive expressions of that progress. The goal is complete acceptance and normalization but we’re not quite there yet and so you’re going to see people praising representation because a lot of them think it’s still needed.

If you have a problem with that

Yeah cool, except the body issuing the award is GLAAD, which is an organization specifically dedicated to celebrating LGBT+ inclusion in media. They’ve issued awards for film and television for several years now, and the video game category was a long overdue addition. It isn’t being blown out of proportion, it’s an

Then why are you here? The alt-right gaming blogs are the ones that cater to your views. Go away, tittybaby.

Nah. She’s walking the goddamn walk. In contrast to the Orange Menace, she has not presented herself as the solution; That’s just incompetent media conflation. Markedly, she is about ideas much more than most Congresspeople. 

Ah yes, this is all just a cult of personality thing. It’s not like it’s really cool and noteworthy that a politician shouted out and then made a guest appearance on a prominent British LeftTuber’s charity stream and voiciferously defended trans rights the whole time. It’s not like a politician showing an interest in

Yeah, contrary to what people say the racists aren’t going to “die out.” It’s tempting because it means there is an easy solution to solve the problem, but the reality is that anyone who is anti racism will have to fight it forever. 

These kids didn’t buy their own MAGA merch. Their parents bought it for them at a rally. It’s 100% taught hatred. Rich white southerners sending their kids to “Catholic” school because segregation isn’t totally legal anymore.

Look no further than the trolls on this thread for almost exactly that narrative.

Its a portrait of the new millenial deplorable - smirking, white male of the next generation.

The reaction to this is bad here in Canada. You have lots of people claiming it’s all “fake”, that it was the teens that were provoked. I really thought this country was better than this, but I should have known better. In recent times, I’ve started to see just how racist the prairie provinces are (sorry, I’ve never

This horrible photo will follow him wherever he goes. Even though he will, like every other white man, fail up; I take a little bit of hope in the fact that this will slow his failing up just a bit. I hope that the girl he pines for will never date him because of this photo, and he settles for some off brand Real

That’s the smile of someone who’s ashamed of their teeth.

We do that in Canada for most events. Certainly all government events. It’s not much relatively - we have SO MUCH more of real, tangible action to do - but it bears repeating until even those with hands in their ears finally hear it.

One of the things that riles me up most about MAGA chuds like this kid, as well as Trump and other GOP politicians like Steve King, is how constantly commit the most overt hateful racist acts, yet they refuse to own it directly when confronted by others or when it blows up in their face.

As a community organizer, I start every public and private event here in Oregon with:

Sweet baby Jesus - these women are BLESSED.

Is man not entitled to the sweat from his brow?