
I have to point out that Coppertone was NOT a sunscreen. It was a sun lotion, and sun lotions were meant to cause more sun damage, not screen you from it. If Coppertone was doing it’s job then your sunburn was at least 2nd degree at then end of your sunning session.

I appreciate the premise of this article and think this is a thorny question that needs discussion. HOWEVER, to make it sound like the Missouri legislature is trying to do anything reasoable on this issue is to totally miss the forest for the trees. This bill is about enshrining fetal personhood into law. That’s the

I like your descriptors. I would have said they taste like tea. They also have a way of smoothing out the spice pallet in the dish and bringing it all together.

No, no, we get the jokes. They’re just not funny, and they’re being delivered by the modern day equivalent of Milton Berle (and that’s not a compliment.)

You didn’t actually read the statement she put out on her website at the same time she was on the Oscars, did you? Clearly, you haven’t actually heard the bullshit she spouts on Fox News, either. You might want to check all that out and ponder the implications of those two things before you defend her grasp of comedy

It was actually really mean. She clearly didn’t get the joke, didn’t understand she was the butt of it. Her statement shows that. And he clearly knew she wouldn’t, and set her up to walk out to stony silence. That’s why she had the nervous giggle.

Not any black ones, anyway.

I’d pay good money to see that, actually.

They’re never ever ever ever...getting stacked together.

The problem with Jeb! from a Republican point of view is that for years, since his father was throwing up on foreign dignitaries, Jeb! was talked about as “the smart one” and that intensified when W was destroying the planet one middle-eastern country at a time. But once Jeb! started running, it became crystal that he

There is no better dog on earth than the Corgi. They are wonderful companions, intelligent workers, and total characters. The description by one of the Kennel Clubs is “the small dog body with the big dog heart.” That is a perfect description of your basic Corgi.

Does that really matter if he only shares it with his sister?

The embiggening and bolding is where you first lost me. I can only speak for me, though.

I don’t think it’s a ploy. His ego has always been YUGE, he’s always had that strange mother worship/all other women are sluts and I OWN them brand of misogyny going on, he’s always had a persecution complex and an inability to handle criticism or slights, real or imagined. These aren’t faces he puts on for the

Everything you said is absolutely true, no doubt about it. But the last month or so - the abusive meltdown over/with Amber Rose, naming his album after the Apostle Paul with all the literal and implied imagery, his own special brand of Taylor hate turned up to DefCon 1, that truly bizarre fashion show/Yeesus worship

That was no flu bug. That is what happens when you’re high on Haldol and you’re forced to stay awake and deal with reality. Big Pharma and drastic sleep disturbances (such as you would get from jet lag moving between the US and Japan) are a bad combo.

Well, aren’t you a little charmer? Way to represent for your preferred candidate. You’re so persuasive! Please, continue.

Which one of his many multiple personalities do you think did the hijacking? It’s obviously not the one who thinks having sex with a woman years ago entitles him to abuse her and her toddler as a slap in the face of her ex-husband over an imagined slight. Yeah, definitely not that one.

My dad, a hard-working farmer who popped out of bed before dawn and ran full steam until he fell exhausted into the bed at night, bathed once a week, on Saturday night, so he’d be fresh for God on Sunday morning. He had two sayings about bathing that I heard ad nauseum throughout his life. The first was “Saturday

Sorry! So many unspeakable beliefs to be listed, so little time...