Honky Tango Foxtrot

Yes, because I'm a liberal totally fed up with progressives taking over and violating liberal principles.

So if it’s wrong when he does it, why isn’t wrong when the left does it?

You could be right, maybe the A/V Club are just hacks for making it political.

Yes. is totally walk away as you launched yo r doomed socialist revolution. You’d be crushed and I would get back to trying to win elections. Good luck, comrade.

A) I never said he was censored, B) The acceptable consequences of do not include battery, C) battery as a response will certainly chill speech and D) I love how me condemning violence must make me a TRUMP supporter. Think of it, the progressives have ceded anti-violence to Trump supporters. You guys are doing great.

Yeah, you ‘re too busy appropriating private property will oppressing your own people and staving off famine.

Ok. So the consequences of free speech include violence, which of court will stifle speech. Progress!

Right. So much support that you may be kinda plenty take the House. And I just be right wing for condemn violence. Jesus wept.

I never said he was censored, I said he was met with violence after expressing himsrlf, which you have just condemned.

So this guy doesn’t have free speech at at concert. Got it. And I never said he was censored. He was battered. So...You flunk if you think this wasn’t free expression being met with violence. And you’re advocating violence against racist speech. Just total failure.

I hear you, but the alt right gained support when Spencer was punched. They used it as validation that whites were under attack and it gave them victimhood status.

You could be right, it this article frames it as political. So maybe the A/V Club is just terrible.

Yeah, he was just battered. Let's move on!

How do you know he was a Nazi? Do you equate all Trump supporters with fucking Nazis? If so, do you advocate violence against 60 million Americans?

No, just a liberal. Is violence a liberal value?

Maybe you’re right, I’m speaking about the progressive left, not liberals. But maybe your wrong because the progressives have totally taken over the left. “You people” refers to them. If your mind brought race into it, you may have some reflection to do.

The efficacy of political violence is lost votes, and I'm talking about the progressive left, not liberals. I'm a liberal. The progressive left are not.

The progressive left is unelectable for other reasons than advocating violence. Their platform is deeply impractical and incoherent and bigoted and censorious. Who are their candidates besides one socialist who hasn’t been elected yet? You know, basic stuff like policy and candidates.

The progressive left. I was talking about them. If your head conjured race, that's on you.

Yeah, and this one was politically motivated, hence it's political violence.