I didn’t say he was censored, he was battered for exercising free expression, and violence will definitely chill speech. Thanks for the condescension though, and good luck at the polls. I’m sure assault and battery will win you votes.
I didn’t say he was censored, he was battered for exercising free expression, and violence will definitely chill speech. Thanks for the condescension though, and good luck at the polls. I’m sure assault and battery will win you votes.
Nope, only a vocal minority are. And they're in dissary. Do you even know who these Nazis are? Regardless, this guy was not a Nazi.
It's battery. You know what you do when flipped off? Ignore it. Hey another commented advocating violence.
A) Your advocating violence and B) violence will and chill speech.
Yeah, it’s wrong for the right to incite violence. You’re all out of ideas? Win elections. What is your platform, who are your candidates? You do not win elections with assault and battery.
Yes, I must be a TRUMP troll for condemning violence. Jesus wept.
Nope, it's wrong and will cost you support. It's fucking stupid morally, ethically, politically, and strategically. It's like you want to lose.
No shit, you unelectable violent censorious bigots killed it. Congratulations. How is your new illiberal left doing? Because from where I’m sitting you fuckwits won’t even take back the House. Progress! Think of it: Your brand of progressive poison is so cancerous that your big dream is maybe, possibly taking the…
The low road will turn people to the right, this guy wasn’t a Nazi, political violence is wrong strategically, morally, and ethically. You 'd have to be a goodamn imbecile to think that assault and battery will get you elected, you people have learned nothing from your historic loss of power, fuck you for condoning…
Yeah, condemning political violence is trolling and right wing bullshit. Can you hear yourself?
The singer battered someone in an act of political violence. This was not a good fucking night for anyone.
He portrayed the battery as a cool lesson in punk 101. What are you talking about?
Yeah, the consequences can't include battery, you mop.
Then you have the most inaccurate username possible. You're not a liberal.
I’m a liberal, you fucking fool. Advocating political violence is a violation of liberal principle.
This writer said it wasn’t necessarily right to batter someone. There is no ambiguity. It’s wrong, the writer didn’t condemn it and portrayed the battery as awesome. I stand by my "lecture" of a few sentences.
So you broadly advocate violence. Congratulations.
I didn't say he was censored, he was fucking battered for a gesture.
“it wouldn’t necessarily be right to hit this Trump supoorter.” Stop. It is not right to hit this Trump supporter. Full stop. No maybe about it, no ambiguity, no wiggle room, it is fucking wrong that this happened. Morally, ethically, politically, strategically , categorically unacceptable.
So you are actually arguing that it is legal to batter someone in response to speech? Because only the government can censor someone? This guy was not censored, he was battered, FFS.