Because the government is corrupt and inefficient so any funds generated would just be laundered to some other special interest group.
Because the government is corrupt and inefficient so any funds generated would just be laundered to some other special interest group.
1stGear: Is he related to Schultz?
West later explained he received an unexpected call, and that he had to drop the boys off at the pool.
My first dorm roommate was a senior who was dating a junior at a local HS and wasn’t around very often, but I would have to leave when she would visit. He moved out after the first quarter (because who wants semesters) and for the next quarter, had the dorm to myself. Came back from spring break and new roommate was…
It was too risky. The straight path to the locker room cuts directly through a day care.
Diner: “Can I have the double bacon cheeseburger, fries, beer and the injured player walk-through special please.”
Waiter: “Would you like the special teams player injury or can I interest you in upgrading to a starter?”
Boris Johnson, the worst car writer of all time, the man who made his career by shitting on how other countries do…