
Wait, when did passive-aggressive Lebron ever leave?

When do I get an apology for “Who’s Now”

So only two teams get to be called “among the most successful” in your book? I mean, OK, I guess, but you’re just making up rules. No one’s putting them in the same class as the Bulls or Pistons, but they belong in that group just below them. Kind of like how no one would place Alex Smith or Philip Rivers in the same

Good gods, can we get Rex a coaching job somewhere so he’s not ever doing this ever again? Surely the Browns have SOMETHING he could do.

If he was a good QB he would be, the NFL doesn’t give a damn as long as you are a good player. Sure he is better than a whole lot of backups and even some starters but he still isn’t that good of a QB. If Cam Newton takes a knee and the Panthers cut him you can be pretty damn certain someone is going to pick him up

USA Spikeball?

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

This is quite possibly the dumbest thing to get upset over.

I bet you’re fun at parties.

Lebron absolutely started the superteam.

I’m sure there’s clearly a rule, but I wonder if anyone in this situation has ever tried to transfer elsewhere to say Iowa, enroll for like a week, then immediately transfer to UNC.

Get’em SJW!

Can we please stop with this horseshit?

COUNTERPOINT (from Popovich himself):

Not only is he an incredible defender (on a team whose strength is arguably its defense), but his defensive versatility is absolutely essential to what they do. It is no exaggeration to say that without him — ie, without a guy who can lead the defense, enable the switching scheme on which their entire defense is

Remember what it felt like a couple of months ago when you, as an American, didn’t give much thought to North Korea?

How can you be so incompetent that you weren’t aware of multiple nuclear tests by a crazy dictator killing his own family to solidify his power? really? Understand he knows wimps like you are so afraid of war you’ll be okay with him nuking South Korea and Japan as long as we don’t challenge him.

“Why are you guys so bad when Westbrook goes to the bench?”

I’m not one of those guys to make loud chants like this nor would I ever but please shut the fuck up. Do you even know what was said to Smart to make him snap? If not, then why are you assuming it was so vulgar? Remember when Smart hit a fan in college in the stands? Heckling is part of the game. “Let talent handle