
Love making fun of Mike, but this looks worse on the Giants than it does for him. It shows they can’t handle criticism and will block people out who dare to test them. It’s Dolan-esque. Mike is right here. 

I think it was a joke in poor taste, and I personally didn’t find it funny, but people really need to relax. Just don’t listen or respond. It’s really not that big of deal and there’s plenty of other things to direct outrage at.

I actually like this new format and think it’s a cool idea and creative. However, one critique I would have of it is is you can’t even enjoy these homers as much because the next pitch is coming in before they land. There was confusion of which balls got out sometimes, which were foul or fair, where it landed, etc.

“The fact that Chauncy only had a brief moment to express himself is precisely why it reveals what his real thinking on the subject is. A racist, for example, can hide their racism if they have time to choose their words, but when under pressure, their real ideals will be revealed in words expressed spontaneously.”

He had maybe a 10 second segment to speak. He wasn’t writing a thesis and he didn’t have time to lay down every scenario possible. You’re taking it in a certain way because you want to vs. actual just being realistic about what he actually meant and nitpicking because of it. I don’t think Billups is simple-minded

“The clear implications of Billups’s statement is that players who did not have two parents in the home—like, for example, fourth-overall draft pick De’Andre Hunter—were not raised right.”

All jokes about the OKC meltdown aside, I don’t really understand why listing Lillard’s small sample stats this series from 30-34 feet is relevant at all on a contested 37 foot shot. 3 more feet even from 34 to 37 is a huge difference. Seems pointless here.

Clay can go fuck himself. But “chanting” was totally a clickbait term in the title.

Replacement level player overall. But superior player at swinging at the first pitch in the 2015 WS

No it doesn’t

John Rocker took the 7 line Subway!

This is now the 2nd article on this and it’s a weird narrative. McHale keeps getting trashed here but a lot of his criticism is valid. I also would bet players would vote CP3 is more of a leader too. It’s not like McHale hasn’t witnessed all of this first hand. I don’t get why his words are just dismissed here by the

Bauer certainly comes across as douchey, but what is the problem with him blocking people on Twitter that are pretty much trolling him or flat out not going to agree with him?

“As for the latter, he ran Lin out of town. There’s a lot you can let Melo off the hook for—most of the Knicks’ steady failure during his tenure would be more fairly ascribed to the structural rot of the front office—but this one? That’s all on him and his ego”

Can’t forget the “Indian” Tatanka

By far the best part of the clip is Mike still fuming from his rant but having to transition into a Honda ad at the end.

Agreed. But, in defense of Starks, he carried them in game 6 of that series and had a look to win it if not for a nice Hakeem block.

On what planet were the Magic not one of the most successful teams in the NBA during the mid-late 90s before Shaq left?

Eh, to be fair, they were at least a top 2 seed in the East for 7 years in a row during his time there. Including a 60 win team and two 1 seeds. They probably win a ring if no Jordan in ‘92 or ‘93.