no one is thinking that tipper gore. go back to putting parental advisory labels on things.
no one is thinking that tipper gore. go back to putting parental advisory labels on things.
black lives matter
why do we care what this random person thinks about us?
i have an 8 year old son that i raise by myself. if you take away the screens they figure out what to do with themselves. your kid bothering you when you take away the tablet is what happens when his brain no longer functions and needs constant external input to be stimulated. good luck with your dumb kid.
she has huge shoulders. bigger than barack i dare say.
funny how people say this. isn’t that the point of journalism? oh i forgot. not anymore. now it’s to scream about your feelings.
jeez. lincoln was a great president who made a good decision. you sound more like donald trump. and considering 129 idiots agree with you, it seems you are a true man of this generation.
in case you fools haven’t noticed, almost everyone is toxic in america today whether they break these rules or not.
hunger games is more realistic.
it seems he had sex of some sort. i agree.
in a civil trial everyone walks.
what about a woman. - a woman
well said. you should have that kind of hostility toward people.
i am a woman. i’ll be dating her in 10 years.
deadspin has an article that has content.
he doesn’t understand the topics. the topics. jesus.
chalk. who cares.
malcolm gladwell. a man who makes up theories to describe things he doesn’t understand.
you should not worry about it.
bernie never grabbed the dem party by the pussy.