
Attention fellow white people! Attention!: STFU, remove your red v. blue glasses, and fucking listen.

Gosh. I forgot about #7

Any time someone mentions Smilez and Southstar I giggle. I used to bang that joint.

It shouldn’t be an either-or proposition. We need multiple viable political parties and campaign finance reform, immediately. This conversation isn’t one we should be having after the fact. It’s pointless. Let’s discuss how and why we always end up with GOP/Dem instead of choosing candidates from parties we actually

I agree. Last year a very open-minded and progressive guy I know commented about how police beating and killing black people seemed to be sharply on the rise and he didn’t understand why, and I was like “What? NO. This has been going on all along - the only difference is, the majority of the population now carries

While I, too, am horrified by Trump’s presidency and all that it reveals about our nation, it is a good and necessary thing that widespread attention is finally being focused on the enduring reality of white supremacy. We now have a unique opportunity to see and name systematic racism clearly and think strategically

I am no Bernie bro, but Hillary was the worst choice to follow Barack Obama. She embodies the elitist do anything, say anything politician most people hate. Plus, she is just not likeable at all. We could’ve done better.

When Hillary pushed back on the $15 minimum wage was I big-time pissed and thought “fuck this lady.”

Also applies to gay white men thinking they’re POC.

In the past 1.5 years, I’ve realized that a lot of white feminists believe being women is equivalent to being a POC, and so they believe they have an understanding of racism that allows them to make it about themselves. Pantsuit Nation is actually a really good place to find them. It’s incredibly frustrating because

White women continuing to promote white feminism.

So wait...after reading this article it seems you truly do believe that a cis male could never be tricked by a trans woman, which is 100% not true. It has happened, and will continue to happen. Does it happen everytime? No. But you really need to soften your tone, because you (and by proxy others) make it seem like

Neither Michael Vick nor Ray Lewis is a coon.

This was the most worthless 4 minutes I’ve watched. The truth is that Kaep is, at worst, a mediocre STARTING QB, the idea that he get a job as backup is insane. A Houston team with a top 20 QB, which is what Kaep is, is a Bowl Contender.

Sad, but true. He could most likely spit bars around these guys, and that ain’t right.

1.Why did he visit the Seattle Seahawks who are not looking for a starter?

Exactly. Its just noise with ad libs and you and you’re niece proved it. But fans will constantly defend them because they getting paid. Non Black people, especially girls, know they lyrics and lust after them because they push a hood bad boy image that they love for whatever reason. Its trash all around. I dont even

“are being too critical of inaudible raps and, by default, those who produce them”
I’m sorry but no. You yourself call it inaudible. How does one defend inaudible music? Isn’t being inaudible the antithesis of music itself?

Sure. Why not? “Everybody Gets A Record Deal!”

I’m not sure I see the problem with this? Nora Roberts writes under the name JD Robb for a whole series of books, and a little known author named JK Rowling writes a detective series under the name Robert Galbraith. So?