How do you know the rescuers are men?
How do you know the rescuers are men?
Cardi rhymes about killing women.
I get it and she’s not wrong. But I hate the idea that equality means women essentially striving to be more like men. I think the world would be a better place if men were encouraged to chill the fuck out and act more ‘ladylike’
Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.
I was the “victim” of a mutual friend who knew my connections are beneficial to the brand but afterward, I was told something very different. She knew what he was. He bullied people to give her an acting job, and they hooked up while he was married. She knew about the 2015 rape charges but was more concerned with the…
No, she’s horrible, too.
She knew who she was marrying. At the very least, she knew he was a horrible bully; how do you think she got celebrities in her gowns?
Remember when she opened a school for girls in Africa? And the girls were sexually abused by a female employee that worked for Oprah’s school?
If that victim remains silent and lets other women become victims, she’s complicit in what happens.
As a guy, I just want to say that this is tough. I want to be clear that the guys who did this stuff was wrong, but men are left in a Catch-22. I’m sure I will be eviscerated, but here goes the reasoning.
The fact that nice, church going older black ladies lock stepped for “super predator” labeling Hillary is almost as weird to me as union members who vote for republicans. Hillary would have been much better than Trump but that is the lowest bar in American political history.
The Democratic, out of touch and not progressive, leadership throttled any primary challenge to Hillary. The only person who could present any credible challenge to Hillary was an outsider like Bernie. Unless the Democrats come out strongly against the legalized bribery of political money, the stench of corruption…
If we apply the broadass “obey officer’s command” brush every unarmed black man gets hit with, this lady had it coming.
Two things:
Whoa, she hit him twice. We all know that you cannot hit a cop. We’ve also not seen what led up to the police being called, her interaction with them and the decision to remove her from the stadium. Notice, no one around her was trying to help, talk to the police or defend her. She was deep into her cups. I’ve…
Now I know I’m not American so take this however you want but maybe the Dems lost because they’re all just a bunch of shits who seem more happy when they’re stabbing each other in the back than when they’re actually beating the GOP and helping the people they claim to want to help.
As a guy, I’ll happily say that any guy that says he’s a feminist is really just a creep hoping women will be nice to him. Don’t trust any of them. I mean don’t trust most of us, but especially them.
Any man who pounds his chest about being a feminist is projecting for his own shitty behavior. Period. That’s why most men don’t respect them, because they know these “feminists” are creeps.
“We ain’t shit.”