
“Down the street, in a warehouse full of vendors, Bill Moye figured it was the Democrats who should take the fall, even though the GOP controls both houses of Congress and the White House. The Democrats, he said, are obstructionist. They don’t want Republicans to get anything done.”

Ol Will Knott sure looks like a pleasant human being. He’ll get that temper adjusted in jail...

*don’t laugh*

Can we please be done with all of these “nations?” Baylor nation, Packer nation, Bear nation..Not every fanbase needs to be a damn nation.. And yes, I know that is petty.

Is Curt Schilling quite possibly the dumbest “famous person” on twitter? Every single time I see a story involving Schilling and twitter, it never seems to end well for him.

Nkechi is a Nigerian name and speaking for some of my fellow Nigerians, we don’t want you, Rachel. We have enough of our own problems.

“kick rocks you old bastard”

Fair points.. I agree..

They might get to Baylor first.. but probably neither.. Money wins every time, sadly..

How dare you exploit the deaths of those innocent people.. I died in it too, you know? I am just alternatively alive.

Shaq is just awful. Goodness, he’s awful. If I could mute him every single time he’s on, I would.

I adore her.. Just adore her. I underestimated how funny, brilliant and fearless she is..

Donated to the ACLU as well.. I will continue to.. I went to Dulles airport Saturday as I live not too far from there and it was something I have literally NEVER seen in my life.. My brother and I just walking around and talking to people. Between the woman’s march last week and the airport Saturday, this has been

This. This. This...

Exactly. I dont think he’s that smart. I actually think people are just throwing papers in front of him and instead of bothering READ them, he just picks up a pen and says “where’s the camera”?

I’m sorry, what?

EXACTLY THIS!!! Every little petty thing is cause for a tantrum. And he just got the damn job..

This worries me... not just because he’s a liar.. we all know that.. but the number of people who will lap this up to soften what happened Saturday night.

I love Harlan.. that’s all.

Not a hot take at all. I have barely watched any games this year. I didn’t really realize it until about 2 weeks ago when I realized I had no idea how any team was doing (except the Bears because they’re my hometown team and I get alerts). Bought the NBA league pass for the first time this year and it’s perfect for me.