
What are talking about. None of what you said was in the article 

“In this video, another creator mocks Pick Me Girls who wear sexy dresses and makeup; instead, the creator brags, she’s the one who can “actually” get men, all while dressed in sweats and playing video games.”.... no you read that skit wrong. The one in the sexy dress isn’t the Pick Me Girl, it’s the second one in

You realize you’d also be killing the innocent people in Florida right?

She sowed the seeds of discontent, her own party distrusted her after the DNC revelations.

You are exactly correct.

The Democrats ran a candidate that people deeply distrusted. A candidate who had DNC collusion hanging over her head.

Thank you. People did not like her, ‘the majority of Johnson voters would have NEVER voted for her.

Haha, these people would not have voted for Clinton, these are the people that were saying ‘fuck you’ to the Republican Party. But you’re left wondering why it happened? Maybe check you rhetoric?

Very true

He did “take votes” from the Republicans. If we can even call it that.

The people who voted for Johnson were NEVER going to vote for Clinton.