So that’s what they’re doing with all the seized Russian yachts…
So that’s what they’re doing with all the seized Russian yachts…
Every time I see one of these, which isn’t often, I go through the exact same thought process. It goes like this:
“We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”
about a mile each way
You’re sixteen and you have $20 grand to spend on a car??? Ok kid, this is the voice of reason and experience - and 35 years your senior. Take $10 grand and bury it in a GIC, mutual fund, or some other long-term and low risk investment. Seriously. Invest it and forget it. If you don’t play with it and let it compound…
you live a mile from school. walk when it is nice, have a friend pick you up when it isn’t. or buy a true beater for those days. a nice old honda accord with snow tires should do the trick. pocket the rest and go to europe the summer after you graduate (which if you’re getting 20 large from the folks to spend here…
Do NOT get the VW. Any VW. Because they are finicky, fragile cars that have one of the worst reliability track records. If you are 16? Seriously, just get a used civic, corolla, or some other appliance vehicle and use it through college and THEN consider getting the “fun” car when you graduate. The supply chain issue…
Just get a Civic hatchback, put snow tires on it if you need to, and call it a day. Reliable, good gas mileage, hatch gives you some room to lug crap to college in a few years.
I remember taking the test for the motorcycle endorsement when I moved to CA and there were at least half a dozen questions about “riding in formation.”
What in the hell made you think a 53 page slideshow was a good idea?
I thought this was an Onion slideshow. This is boring.
Stick to ports.
“I, however, am not a good driver.”
Yeah... I can see how an extractor might get more oil out with some vehicles, particularly higher end ones with baffling designed into the pan to help minimize oil starvation on hard turns.
I prefer to still do it my way... which is driving the front of my car on ramps, then let it sit for a little while.
Expert tip: If your oil is looking a little thick or chunky, simply add a little water.
I mean... these are good problems to have.
1: I’ve always felt that sucking oil out the top doesn’t flush the bottom of the pan. I could be wrong