It’s not a vuck?
It’s not a vuck?
Nothing suspicious here, just good ol’ California car culture...
Well, if the owners are shorting GA to the tune of $10k a pop, one a month per investigator would make it revenue neutral. But that’s a shitty metric for whether or not fraud should be investigated and be punished.
So....for those of you who - like me - came to this post, having simply read the click-bait, with no idea of what was going on, and expecting some clarity; You may have noticed there is none.
In a nutshell: Someone over at ABC appears to have briefly aired on national television via the news chyron the words “Manafort…
NBA Team: Shawn, we hear you are hiding a kid.
Which metal is best for detecting? Do I want zinc pennies, copper quarters, nickels with both copper and nickel, antique silver dimes, or what?
More like balls of asbestos.
I’ve been working on cars for almost 30 years as a backyard mechanic. All sorts of makes and models. And while I’ve run across all sorts of insane situations, but a bolt head or nut that isn’t a regular size isn’t one of them. Sure they get corroded all the time and might require elbow grease and a steel brush (or a…
An adjustable wrench—and vice grips for those tricky nuts/bolts—seems like the right answer here.
Just buy a decent wrench set (metric and standard). You’ll lose the 10mm before you open the box, and keep the rest for a lifetime.
Due to a glitch in the universe, replacing the heater core in a ‘99 Expedition will cause it to spawn about 30 extra screws. Theoretically, this glitch could be exploited to generate infinite screws and violate conservation of mass.
My car secret? Well, he made me promise not to tell anyone, but Bill down at the Ford dealer has been giving me MSRP, no markup, on new trucks for the past 30 years. You can’t buy loyalty like that.
Japan Flattened After North Korean Bom Drops
I’m not crazy, but my LOW PRICES are!!!
This Girard guy sounds like an absolute lunatic who probably should have been institutionalized decades ago. Burying a copy of your W-2 over your old boss’ casket is not the indication of a well mind.
Pebbles will live on forever...
So instead of parking behind the pothole and have the arrow truck point to the “good” lane, lets park on the opposite lane, point the arrow to the potholes and throw gravel across lanes into the holes.....wth?
Is there a quota to get diverse athletes onto the team? Or are diverse athletes just making the team?