Miss Z

Who cares what you’d rather she do?

Life has been executing a very slow five-point-palm exploding heart technique on Harvey.

As an always grey: I don’t know what their game is. They are either lazy or indifferent. Probably both. I have been here for 6 years and am going AWOL soon, because this is pure BS.

I don’t get the PRAISE for this apology that I am seeing here, there and everywhere on social media. CK issued a good apology because he was already outed, after years of gaslighting the public about these “ridiculous!!!!” claims and maybe blacklisting a woman comedian who said they were true? Fuck all that noise.

This is just the beginning and I think Bryan Singer and Dan Schneider are next. Conservative websites have already picked up on Schneider and I can only guess that mainstream outlets are also investigating him (and what must be a million other tips they must be getting.) The purge continues...

For starters, don’t come into a Black-oriented forum and complain that the articles don’t speak directly to you.

#8.5: The “if you’re not talking directly to me and giving me specifically individualized instructions on not being a piece of shit, then you’re being counterproductive and I’m just going to keep being a racist (but I always was going to just keep being a racist anyway)“ guy.

Add them to the list of Jews for Trump, college-educated antivaxxers, and Clarence & Ginny Thomas

A trans woman against gay marriage?

Oh my god, I can relate to this. Went through his phone when he went to the bathroom cause he had been pretty damn bad about hiding it earlier that day. Bam. Most recent text convo.

There’s also a possible third group: women who were abused by Weinstein, but sucked it up and dealt with it because they were told it was expected of women in their industry, and now that it’s all coming out, they’re only now allowing themselves to feel angry over their violation. That’s the feeling I got from her

I am jealous that you had such an opportunity. The best I have been able to do is giving the finger to the Trump hotel in DC. I also did while I was running. I didn’t even think about it, I just saw that horsefucker’s name and my finger shot up.

Thank you for your service.

You are not “nobody.” You told your story, so in a way you are “everybody.” And you are brave and survived. You should get a trophy for that.

My father told me he hopes my baby grows up in a world without sexism, and I thought, “Didn’t you fucking choke my mother?”

Thank you for so beautifully writing out the feelings that I have had about this whole situation. I too, was molested as a kid by an older cousin-and later a teacher from our community who did theatre with me- and it took me years to reconcile those experiences (and to be honest, I’m still trying to deal with them

I hate when people swoop in, drop a comment like this and then leave for a while. Not a troll account, though (she/he has a history of posting!) so i’m curious if they’ll offer more details on his behavior.

The Amanda Knox case is suddenly making a lot more sense to me...

Submitted one of mine. CR responded personally. I’m “nobody”, and SO grateful for what she’s doing. Even if people in the industry only start behaving like moral humans out of fear of being called out on social media - it’s a hell of a lot more than we’ve had up til now.

I googled and read some other articles that helped put it into better context than this one did. It sounds like Upham's family was concerned that she had gone off her meds and was acting erratically. The police showed up at her house in order to take her to the hospital—I'm not sure if this was at the bequest of the