Miss Z

I kind of don’t think you should regret the last two sentences.

It was a long time ago, but I went on a date with a guy who seemed nice enough at first. After the usual small talk, he was like “Well, we gotta get it out of the way... Are you the man or the woman?”

C’Mon Rose...get over yourself. The movement was always about more than you. I feel bad for your pain, but you can’t erase that by bullying other survivors. Maybe you’re not invited places because you’re sort of a dick who wants to control the narrative? Maybe? Ya think?

Yes. She was shaking and so nervous. It was very brave.

That is a goddamn excellent friend.

Bless me Goddess for I have sinned. I have been guilty of many bad dates. I’ll admit it, I’m incompetent at dating. As the Joker said, I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what I’d do if I ever caught one. Mostly I make the mistake of doing the cliche date, i.e. dinner and a movie, but because I love a wide range

I had broken up with my boyfriend of about 2 years 6 months prior. It was one of those ugly breakups that sticks with you for a while. I decided it was time to get out there and work on moving on. Guy asks me out, I was actually pretty excited. We grab a few drinks, etc. and then as we’re just a bit tipsy at the bar,

You can’t see it, but my face is crinkled toward my nose and my teeth are bared. That is soooo icky.

A guy I knew from high school. Found me on fb when we were about 28/29. He wanted to get dinner. Ok, sure. After the meal had arrived, he got a phone call that sounded serious. He asked the caller, “Are you ok? Do you need me to come?” I thought, “No way. This m-effer is pulling the fake emergency call on me!” He got

My best friend is next door neighbors with Afeni Shakur (RIP), now other Shakur family members live there. They’d sit out on their shared patio and she’d talk about how utterly heartbreaking the rumors of Tupac’s life in hiding were. 20 years later and her eyes would swell with tears not at her son’s death but that

My grandmother’s best friend Bea in Junior High had an old brother who she never paid any mind to. Grandma moved away due home issues and lost touch with her friend. Years later, she’s part of an organization hosting a party for soldiers, and the single ladies are meant to pin a paper heart with their names on their

i met my bf Wil while i was still in the womb, baby!!!! (together 10+ yrs now)

Sorry for the long story.

I was 20 and doing a summer lab internship before final year of uni and not many other students were about. I was having a difficult time with my gaslighting guy-friend who I’d known since school and my mother’s cancer and was a bit of a trainwreck overall. This was my summer of behaving badly - getting drunk,

I actually feel pretty bummed by this single. I’ve watched it twice, and I have pinpointed my disconnectedness to the moment Beyonce raps “give me my check. put respect on my check. . . i wear expensive fabrics. i got expensive habits.”

1) The British Empire did not end until the later half of the 20th century, not the 19th. 2) It’s not possible to have a productive discussion with someone so ignorant of history and current events. 

Have you read Benjamin Zephaniah’s refusal of the OBE?

The people from the very countries you claim to speak for who accept these honors and proudly take them home have obviously moved on and disagree with your opinion. You do you and refuse to be honored if it comes up, just don’t kid yourself that your gesture will mean or accomplish anything. This isn’t the 19th

You are wrong. Millions if not billions who continue to be harmed by the British Empire believe that western imperialism should not be celebrated in any way.