Miss Z

I crack up every time he wonders if the woman he's just met is "the one".

One of the most disturbing details is them trying to mow her down after the assault. Like they hadn't Thank god her friend pulled her away in time. It's also, disheartening that one of the perpetrators that committed the most violence will receive a lighter sentence due a technicality of him being 17.

Never? Seriously? Hate to break it to you rape is as common as air.

From what I've read, 4 of the 6 assailants have been arrested so far, including the man who allegedly "led" the attack. Also, rape cases can take up to 10 years to reach court in India, and that's if the police have bothered to do their work.

I remember reading how she wrote a note to her mother after she regained consciousness saying "mother, I want to live". That made me cry.

I have a question, I"m currently working in a Ministry of Economic Development and I have started work in October. My boyfriend with whom I've been maintaining a long distance relationship is coming in February from abroad for 3 months only. How do I ask my boss for a week off, so that I can spend his first week in

I'm not from the States and have only heard about the WBC after the recent Connecticut shooting. I saw a couple of clips on youtube about them and I'm just baffled. Can anyone explain what the fuck their problem is? They seem like such a twisted bunch.

That's upsetting to read. I hope you read my comment about me not trying to generalise. It does seem however, that it has a cultural element since none of British Indian friends would ever do such a thing and find behaviour such as this abhorrent. Also I would love to go India, and many of friends have, mostly doing

For the record, assholes are assholes. Not trying to generalise to all Indian men at all.

"a poll of 370 gender specialists around the world that voted India the worst place to be a woman out of all the G20 countries. It stung – especially as Saudi Arabia was at the second-worst. But the experts were resolute in their choice. "In India, women and girls continue to be sold as chattels, married off as young

I'm not American so could anyone please explain to me why some of the most awful things I've read about that came out of the States happened in Florida? Seriously, what's up with that?

"a poll of 370 gender specialists around the world that voted India the worst place to be a woman out of all the G20 countries. It stung – especially as Saudi Arabia was at the second-worst. But the experts were resolute in their choice. "In India, women and girls continue to be sold as chattels, married off as young

My boyfriend is very well endowed. When we first started dating we had to wait until the batch of extra large condoms he had ordered arrived, the sexual build up was great. Neither of us wanted to have unprotected sex so we just waited. And though some are saying that the whole "I'm too big for a condom" line is BS, I

I have often endured not so great meals at extortionate prices and have complained only on rare occasions when the food was inedible. Quite often just as soon as I have put a mouthful of food in, a waiter arrived and asks if "everything is ok?" I politely nod, as I would hate to splatter anyone with food mid-chew and

I'm not the type to get celebrity crushes but whenever I watch something with Idris Elba in it my ladybits feel all tingly. Who's with me?

My sister got the double eyelid surgery because one eye had the fold and the other didn't, making her look lopsided. Though I didn't agree with her decision to get the surgery I was born with double lids, so I couldn't relate to the degree her uneven lids bothered her. And I didn't feel like it my place or right to

F*ck off to Bullshit Mountain, Ann!

@Kristen Wiig I can kind of relate. I started working for the ministry of finance in my country last Friday....and haven't pooped since. No amount of coffee seems to help. fingers crossed for today.


I think maybe, and its just a maybe Anonymous have taken over or hacked the youtube acocunt? Because I have seen anti-Scientology messages from Anonymous on a Scientology youtube account. I think the the 'anonymous' in the youtube account is a coincidence?