
So true. He is guilty of doing that things that ladies "of a certain age" do—- putting all of his hair forward on his face so we can't see his wrinkles or sagging skin.

Amen and amen. Preach it from the mountaintops, sister.

Did you even watch the show?

Right? Sorry, I know I'll get flamed by the Vince Gilligan fanboi contingency, but he could not have been too surprised about the Skyler hate. I don't care what he says in interviews. He created a pregnant nag WITHOUT A JOB and then blamed the audience for having the predictable response.

I can see that. In the frames with the "3" it's always pictured above them… Whatever it is, it's more important than Jimmy, and it's probably her career. That would make sense for her.

About the 3: I don't know if it's necessarily Chuck, but it does imply the presence of another person. Maybe they are being watched? I wouldn't be surprised if a place like HHM had cameras everywhere. You know, to bear witness.

Exactly. Why was Mike working for Gus? He needed the money because he was being blackmailed by his daughter-in-law. That tearful confession he made in Five-O? SHE TAPED IT.

He's the middle child. The peace-keeper. Smoothing things over, avoiding conflict at any cost because he's keeping the family together, dammit.

Impressive. Most impressive.

The good news: Mike has the healthiest, most vet-attended dog in The West.
The bad news: Once again I cannot believe how quickly Better Call Saul goes by. I actually said "NO!" when the credits started.

I need to see that video. Costume and all. Here's hoping.

And a 'Stang.

Definitely my favorite line of the episode.

Guess we'll get to find out. Maybe she has a chance; she has much more fan support than Lori or Jesse ever did. But she had that fan support in spite of this writing team, not because of it. Some writing teams, I'm sorry, they just don't know how to write sympathetic female characters. Look at the track record of

You trust THESE writers? I don't.

I thought of Jack Sparrow too.

Yeah. My fear is that Michonne, the total independent badass woman I have grown to love and respect, will now become a subset of Rick. Her storyline will become mostly nagging Rick and watching the kids.

Britta FTW.

2003, Actually

I've side-eyed the man ever since he ripped Wanda Sykes when she was hosting the Emmy Awards. I'm not a big Wanda fan or anything, but he was such an asshole.