
Yes, the criminal justice system sucks. But this guy sucks more.

That color of yellow makes me so stabby. GRRrrr.

I agree to a point. But rape, or the threat of rape, has become a crutch for this team of writers. If straight male characters were threatened with rape every single episode…? —Howls of protest from that demographic aside—- it's boring.

So, rape = reality for George R. R. Martin, because… Life. War of the Roses, history, and so forth. I've read that excuse so many times. But only females are raped in Game of Thrones.

Driver was amazing. And if they ever remake Harry Potter—- He's Severus Snape. Just sayin'

Or the Big Giant Head from Third Rock.

This. Don't be a hero. If you decide to watch it, pace yourself… Take a break every 20 minutes or so.

Exactly. Slave Leia was on the leash just a little too long in Jabba's Den of Iniquity, wasn't she. There's got to be some PTSD going on there. And who could understand and comfort her better than Chewie?

And he's the father of Rey.

And no Nick Offerman. *sigh*
A finale without a single glimpse of Karl Weathers… Just a bit anti-climactic for me.

Something doesn't add up here, Sarge. Jackson's no spring chicken. He's less than a month from retirement. He had to know that "assless chaps" stunt was the kind of reckless cowboy crap that gets your partner killed.

Totally agree about Dunst in Melancholia. Her haunting dialogue about how we are alone in the universe is something I think about nearly every day.

The moment with Deanna reaching into Judith's playpen was unintentionally funny. Like an SNL parody of TWD. Not good. What the hell has happened to this show.

Sam is clearly too stupid to live, not that it matters much on TWD.

The Abraham-Sasha romance is clearly being manufactured to give Abraham a reason to go psycho when Negan makes the moves on Sasha. And then give Negan a reason to kill him. If anyone on TWD has a date with Lucille, it's not Glenn.

Exactly. Why weren't the guts smeared on their faces & hair, too? Like Season 1? I mean, if zombies have eyes…

I fully expect this comment to be down voted into the twisting nether. I strongly prefer Bob Odenkirk without any David Cross. It's undeniable that Bob has been doing better without the David, career-wise… Is he trying to help David have a career again or something?

Also, and I realize this is an unpopular opinion, but when I first realized that little annoying muppet actually WAS the great Jedi master Yoda, my heart sank.

Amen. I loved Lapti Nek. I bought Lapti Nek. I was 13, I saved my allowance and I bought it. Screw Lucas for not doing the same.

What one thing would I change? Okay…WHAT THE HELL was going on with medical technology? You can save a guy who falls into lava and gets his limbs burned off, or whatever, but women are still dying in CHILDBIRTH? Fuck you, George Lucas.