
It'll do. I'm just looking for things to watch until Better Call Saul comes back.

And would that word have been applied to a man in the same situation…

Exactly. I flip over all the time, it doesn't mean anal. EVER. God, please, people of the universe, please let's don't make that a thing.

Same. I actually screamed "NO" and my husband walked in to see what was wrong. And now we're both hooked.

"You use sarcasm to distance people."

When my son first started using the internet, watching him negotiate the learning curve was heartbreaking. He was *convinced* he'd won an iPad. That we all had. And if he just clicked that blinking pop-up, they'd send us one. Who would lie like that? He was five.

Yeah, it's rubber. Sorry. I know you were looking forward to it.

Yep. I didn't see Dodd's truck parked in front of her house when Hank was on the radio, so… My guess is she took it and is headed for places elsewhere. No missing scene, not really. She's going over to her boss' house. Hm. Maybe could be love in their future, especially if Hanzee kills Ed.

Great. He blew it. Now he'll be flying cargo planes full of rubber dog shit outta Hong Kong.

Kissed and Banged.

"Outta my way, tool of the state!"

TWD can't end until each and every actor from The Good Wife has shown up. Lol Negan.

A million upvotes. This is exactly what I think is going on. The actors have asked for a raise, and AMC is rock-solid-determined they not get one. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

And don't forget the goat! Vengeance For Goat 2015!!!

The Writing Dead. That's the only way to explain this pointless episode. The writers are not just lazy and dull, they're dead. Someone needs to put them out of their misery.

"And you know what happened to Flower Rainblossom? She's on methadone, in Bismarck. Turning tricks for breakfast meat."

Right? Maybe he's like Kaizer Soze. We're all being duped; he's the real mastermind with skills we never suspect.

I need more Keiran. Kieran. Keeyara— MaCauley's little brother. McKawley? Forget it. Listen up Mr. & Mrs Culkin: give your kids names I can spell.

Eugene and Abraham were fat long, long before The Group reached the ASZ. They were so hungry they were digging for worms, etc… But somehow those two are chubby? Okay.

How are there so many fat guys in the zombie apocalypse?