
Here’s alleged serial rapist Bill Cosby’s mugshot, taken today at the Pennsylvania courthouse where he was arraigned

No he hasn’t, citing NGP VAN.

Honestly, whoever is able to apologize and to admit he made a mistake has my vote. Why does candidates assume they have to be above humans and be unable to make mistake to be electable?

If we’re going to start counting candidate’s lies... he’s still the most honest politician running for office, so go fuck yourself Debbie.

The vendor screwed up and sent voter data without a firewall. Apparently a staffer accessed it (the second time it happened, according to the Sanders campaign), and was subsequently fired. They reported it to the DNC both times it happened. This is not as nefarious as you are implying.

Watching the different debates two shows come to mind:

Sanders still the most honest politician running for office.

What the fuck are you talking about?

O’Malley was barely on my radar until that outburst. Shit, dude will not be denied.


I have the same hair as elizabeth banks and I hate my hair too and always study her hair to see what she does with it so that I too can have nice hair. Hair is thin as hell, cuts itself, and I look like tom petty if I don’t style it every ass day.

No one puts baby A in the corner. No one!!!

Really dude? So you grew up in South Carolina. So you know what it’s like to have your wife raped, your children sold and taken away from you? To be treated as a commodity. Wow! Life in South Carolina is a lot worse than I ever imagined. I don’t think you begin to know what slavery is like. Personally, I can’t even

You have been pining away for this man longer than you were in college and George H.W. Bush was president. You are romanticizing this man, and likely only seeing the man you’ve put on a pedestal and totally rationalizing away his faults. STOP. He is cheating on his fiance... something he wouldn’t do three weeks into

Remember! They’re just jokes! Unless it’s someone Jezebel doesn’t like, then fuck them and their career forever and ever!

Pulling you out of the greys so your comment can get some replies because it’s an interesting point, so please don’t hate me for pointing this out: Deprecating. Depreciating is what cars do when you drive them off the lot.

I wish Jezebel wouldn’t post so many positive things about Amy Schumer. As a Mexican woman, it’s appalling to see how Jezebel still uplifts her while ignoring that she’s said so many racist things about Latinos and other people of color in her jokes. What really makes her any different from Trump? And don’t say that