
Is it just me or is her lower half like... weirdly photoshopped. Or is it just her pose? Something just seems off about it.

No, what they need to do is provide monetary punishment to the idiots who write these laws for openly violating US laws if they refuse to comply with US justice decisions.

I’m not surprised he’s so concerned about bathrooms given how constipated he looks in that picture.

So basically we should treat every pregnant woman like a potential alcoholic? File the whole idea that it’s cool to have the occasional drink under Top Secret and never utter the concept in front of women lest they get Ideas?

Actually you sound pretty pissed off about all the putting your kid before yourself that you have to do. I think you need to worry more about yourself and less about what other parents should or shouldn’t do.

Oh get a grip. You’re not the only parent here, and you need to stop being the parent police. Your self-righteous attitude is part of the problem.

And if we passed laws outlawing drinking for pregnant women, they would immediately start in on the evils of soft cheese and why any woman who consumed even a molecule of it at any point during pregnancy is a child-abusing monster. If they got a law about that, they would move on to something else. Endlessly.

Some doctors instruct their pregnant patients not to quit smoking while pregnant if there are other factors at play because the stress of quitting can be worse for the baby than smoking. Something to think about if you’re judging someone smoking while pregnant.

I am completely serious. Driving is dangerous and anytime a pregnant woman gets behind the wheel for a nonessential activity she’s putting her fetus at an unnecessary risk.

It’s not 2 lives, it’s one life and a fetus. In my Jewish opinion, fetus’s aren't lives til they are born.

It all depends on what sacrifices you are willing to make - there are some that are a genuine given - like not being able to go out on a Friday night if you feel like it or not having expendable income on designer shoes and shit.

Cleft palate and lip palate clefts are not diagnostic of fetal alcohol syndrome. Try again.

If the bartender doesn’t know how drunk someone is or if the fetus can be harmed from a particular amount, then he has no business restricting what that person drinks. I know what you mean about the MADD cases, but those cases require a level of recklessness on the part of the bartender than literally cannot exist

So what you’re saying is you had friends who drank occasionally while pregnant, who had children with birth defects, and you immediately blamed your friends for drinking, not considering for a moment the possibility of a genetic or other environmental cause.

You do understand that what you have or don’t have a problem with is not legislatable? Like, good for you, you have feelings about things that are both none of your business and don’t impact you at all.

You already do. Alcohol and cigarette manufacturers are not liable for any damage you do to yourself. Why would they suddenly be responsible for your fetus? That’s why the signs everywhere in bars and on booze and cigarettes.

Plenty of doctors advise that it’s ok to have a drink here and there during pregnancy. Regardless, it’s not ok for others to dictate what a woman does with her body. Period.

How generous of you to not have a problem when I have a glass once in awhile.

The whole “there’s no (proven) safe amount” line ignores that there are also amounts that are not proven dangerous, that almost certainly result in no harm to the fetus, but that existing guidelines forbid because nobody fucking knows any better.