
Colonizers gonna colonize (history and everything else).

Hi! One of the colonized “Americans” here! In the context you’ve presented, the lot of Europe can fuck off as far as I’m concerned! :) Cheers!

The LA locations this episode were actually LA - Downtown specifically - enhanced with CGI. It was kind of fun to recognize a couple of scenes taking place in buildings where i used to work!

I call shitty direction and writing on this one. So what if Mei shouts out she’s going to be a doctor? I was telling everyone I knew that I was in grad school when I was because no one in my family had done it before. I was proud of it. And if my current boyfriend’s ex was telling me she was opening for someone, I’d

Willfully ignorant can also be when one has been made aware of their ignorance and willfully chooses to disregard it, ignore it, or tell someone they’re reading too much into things rather than actually consider what they’re being told.

Midge is the least interesting and least empathetic character on this show on my side of the street. Willfully or straight up ignorant aside, Shy told her not to say anything about his *personal* life to the rest of his band. Why would she think it was okay to share his business with The Appollo? And sure, Reggie told

No Handmaid’s Tale review/recap/recalcitrance? Just wondering if regular coverage has ceased. TY! 

The book and show have a white protagonist. Had the creative team included the race issues Atwood addressed in her book, it may have been a different experience, but it was always the story of a white woman in a white, Christian extremist-based theocracy. Having watched the first three episodes of Season 3, it is

SVU films in New York, not L.A.

Also, why is this a binary selection in your world?

Why is an eastern brown guy getting with a western blond girl still a thing?

THIS. Especially because you’re looking at specific characters interacting with each other rather than generalizing about the different groups in this narrative.

I was totes shocked by what Emily did, but not horrified. Actually, this act, in killing this wife, seems more justified than running over that rando guard

“No, you’re not wrong, Walter, you’re just an asshole.”

Wow. You’re a rockstar and a SHE-ro. Yay you. A+ for your experience and fuck everyone else who has not has your experience.

Have you? Stepped forward, that is. When it happened to you?

I love this show, but was pretty disappointed in the stories as well. L.A. is one of *the* most diverse cities in the world with an equally rich and diverse history. The whole area used to be Mexico for crying out loud. Rin Tin Tin, though? (which, not for nothing, was absolutely delightful) Mr. Mullholland and water

that's me sober.

I eyerolled hard on the shoplifting mom as well for the same reasons. Really? REALLY?!

It's pretty irritating and a super lazy dramatic plot point. They're both ridiculously smart women. And that Diane would take something that David Lee overheard Howard Lyman say about Alicia as absolute truth without trying to find out what actually happened is out of character for Diane. And dumb. Lazy dumb.

My understanding is that he's pissed at her for going behind his back to see Ethan to get pregnant when they'd decided to let it go. I'm pretty sure she knows. They're both super passive aggressive.