
Bless her heart.

I’m with you. It hurts my brain when I see other white people complaining that black people are creating racial tensions in this country by pointing out racism.

hey FDA- FUCK YOU. i’ve eaten about 1,00,000 pounds of raw cookie dough and i’m still standing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, it’s such a strange mental place to be. Like some people mentioned above, some people truly believe there’s a BABY at conception (despite logic and science) and I can’t fault them for feeling like abortion is murder in that sense. This idea, however, that people are actively pursuing abortions or seeking people

If that's what you think, you are doing science wrong.

I’ve only done coke once in my life when I was much younger, but the combination of the cocaine hangover and a 4 month old sounds like the worst 12 hours of your life.

“King of the North! The White Wolf! The White Wolf”

I just thought I’d point out we now know for certain that Lyanna is Jon’s mom, but we still are not totally certain who the father is. It’s conceivable Robert would have Jon killed because someone other than him got Lyanna pregnant, and birthing him killed Lyanna, who he was dangerously obsessed with. The man was

um you should refer to her by her true title

She didn't look pissed at all. She was smiling. She looked wary because Littlefinger was pissed, but she was fine before that.

Nope, now we just know that ?+L=J

Ghost and his siblings have been identified as Direwolves and while they could be a flying fish... that is outside the narrative arc at this time. What I was pointing out was that they didn’t confirm the R portion of R+L and that they are saving that reveal for something more dramatic in season 7 or 8.

The entire R+L=J theory sort of rests on the idea that their love was consensual, at least that’s my understanding of it. And while Yes we learned FOR SURE that Lyanna is Jon’s mother we didn’t hear ANYBODY say Rhaegar was the father. So while yes it’s clear that’s the case it hasn’t been confirmed and lets face facts

I am so happy Samwell Tarley got a job at Google.

Tommen died as he lived, like a total pussy.


I really have no idea about Top 40 radio listening time is NPR and otherwise I’ve got an Apple Music playlist for dancing with my kids.

Lady Mormont is the baddest little bitch and I love her.

SAME. like i wanted her to take jons sword and get stabby stabby the second after jon stopped punching him