MomsTinfoilHat shields her in the grays


Keep in mind that medical use is what starts most opiate addiction, too.

Please please un-gray me. I have been posting for years since before the great Kinja upheaval. I wasn’t gray back then, and would get tons of likes on my posts. I have waited years for someone to finally notice that hey, I tend to post thoughtful stuff and I’m still not a troll. I especially like to get involved on

This is a common picture of overdose death, and directly due to the underuse of harm mitigation. Maintenance programs for recovering addicts like methodone and suboxone prevent overdose deaths. Overdose deaths are much more common after a period of abstinence.

Also, keep in mind that many, many addicts started with legal prescription opiates.

BTW I am a physician who can prescribe those.

This is the common problem of not looking at the world as it is and wishing it was some fantasy world where everything is how you think it should be.

People do drugs. People are alcoholics. People have sex and have unplanned pregnancies and get STDs. People are poor. People neglect their kids. People abuse and kill

Southwest has always had incredible customer service, in my experience.

*PAID not payed for his therapy.

Please. as a single parent, use the term “solo parent”. Being a single parent is a real thing, and it doesn’t mean your loving partner is away for a day or two.


Are we seriously supposed to believe that a man who owns the building and gold plated the walls in his penthouse didn’t pick out his own microwave?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To show the armadillo it could be done.


Aw man, do I have to boycott Jodie Foster now, too?

115. Don’t play or imitate an “air guitar”.

Word of Faith Fellowship membership rules:

Those prison burgers were probably gray before you even started cooking them.

This may be the worst thing he’s done yet.

I’m only half kidding.

I saw them perform live, only a few months before his suicide. it was a painful, depressing show. I didn’t know at the time, of course, how depressed he was, and was just disappointed. I thought he was bored and high. I still loved their music, however, and was strongly influenced by him. I remember where I was when I

Biggest win since Reagan!

(Except not)