Monique A. Williams

I had a friend almost exactly as you described, sans the suits. Very bright girl, she is a semi-successful actress and has a reputation as being unlikable. She was never diagnosed with Asperger's though.

As long as they leave Pearl Jam alone, I'm cool. No, actually. Leave Soundgarden alone. And Alice in Chains. Hmmmmm…

Something about it didn't sit well with me either. An awkward coda to a decent episode.

My friend hates contacts and only keeps a pair for when she has something fancy to go to. It's not unreasonable for him to have one pair and keep it a few months.

That was the sweater to deliver bad news, so it makes perfect sense.

So Erlich settled with BreamHall for way less than they offered to take a salary. Then quit due to his keyman clause to get 5% of Keenan's business when he bought Piped Piper for $25M, only to end up with zero when Keenan sold to Hooli? I can totally see why he tried to burn himself alive.

Oh, I've never heard of it. But I loved his Ed Chambers act last night, so I'll check it out!

He actually runs a non-profit theater group called Moving Mountains in Brooklyn. He teaches them, coming straight from the set sometimes across country and flying back out after class. He's amazing <3

His "You're a Dick!" speech didn't do it?

OMG, I couldn't hate Gabe anymore than I tried. I almost didn't give Silicon Valley a chance, especially when it looked like he was playing the same character. I'm glad I was wrong.

I love him! And Alyssa Milano never seemed to have a problem.

You misunderstood me if you think I mean that Francesca and Dev makes sense. Her leaving her entire life for this fling doesn't make sense in the context of her character at all. Her being ambivalent does. Her maybe missing a flight and hanging out a few more days while figuring it out makes sense. Her uprooting her

Jamie Hector who played Marlo Stansfield. One of the warmest guys you'll meet. Check him out in Bosch!

I only watched it three years ago because a friend was a star and I totally regret not having watched it sooner when everyone was talking about it. I missed all the good conversations, but at least now I can make references and people nod knowingly. It's a good club to be in. I'm on a rewatch right now with my

You said she "should have" gone off and done her own thing and that it felt "unnatural". So either you want this to feel authentic to real life, or you don't. In real life, she would simply be a reluctant adult who is looking for some type of escape from a humdrum life she feels was thrust upon her instead of one of

Everything you said is 100% the show I watched. I don't see how anyone doesn't get that.

Why are you calling them excuses? They are explanations. I'm a Black woman, so trust me, I'm not empathizing with the "pretty white woman" but am understanding the character as a woman, simply. I think she's a bitch, a childish bitch. But I understand her.

Why does she have to be strong and resolute? Why can't she be a delicate flower? She's using her gramma's shop as an excuse not to be a grown-up and study art. She's using her relationship with Pino to be attached to her youth. She hasn't been able to separate herself from that yet. What makes you think this is the

Why should Francesca have done that? Because that will satisfy feminists? IRL women do exactly what she presumedly did, stay with a safe guy for appearances, stay miserable, find solace in an exciting, forbidden relationship, fuck up said safe relationship for the forbidden romance, and end up regretting it. That's

I went to college at 31. Freshman act just like this. I thought it was hilarious.