
Thus is being a woman. Yeah, I started talking to them about it because they MAY have had classmates who started that early, and how awful would it be for them to add to any ostracizing of that poor menstruating kid who got her period earlier than average. My parenting philosophy is pretty simple: I want my kids to be

They are terrible but waking up because you've accidentally smushed an errant boob that slid into your armpit is worse.

It’s the middle of the night, groggy practice of stripping and soaking your sheets and putting a fresh fitted sheet on to pass out atop that’s truly the worst. #teamiud

Me while reading

You know how when you are scooping coffee out of the can to put in the coffee maker, and you have your meth right next to it in exactly the same kind of coffee can, and it’s early so you get mixed up... I mean, that happens to everyone, right?

Anyone besides me do the full-on ugly cry at the end of Homeward Bound, after Shadow the Golden (who spent days trapped in a hole and his fellow pets refused to leave him) finally comes into view after the other 2 pets have long bounded to the house, and everyone has given Shadow up for dead? When he finally limps

This is seriously the best thing I’ve ever seen. I usually really love the week in tabloids. And this was better.

“and god shall smite the haters and losers”

They never took a doggie bag home and they never touched Golem Jesus’s meal.

“When Michelle and I came into office....”

“I think she was suffering from a bit of shock or she thought she had teleported across to the other side of the harbour.”


There are women at that ‘treatment center’, too.

Why hasn’t she been jailed for contempt of court yet?

If you don’t colorblock this week, I just, haha, I just like, I might be done with you? For good? Honestly.

I’ve never felt a tweet as hard at Ingrid Michaelson’s. That banana better still be green, or I will not eat it.


Entry level position. Requires 2-3 years previous experience.

This reeks of concern trolling to me. Everyone is made up of all the experiences they had until this point. Her weight is a reflection of her experiences, and instead of living in shame or dieting herself to death, she’s being healthy and embracing herself.