+10 for "improssibro"
+10 for "improssibro"
Really? He said that? This is real and not some hipster joke?
I can't stop staring at her necklace.
That's also a good option. This year I bought myself a PS4 and a new bag RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS so the only thing left on my list is a kitten. I mean, at this point it has to happen, right? RIGHT?
Dairy products reduce flatulence? Not for the lactose intolerant, they don't. I have intermittent and mild lactose intolerance and let me tell you that under the wrong circumstances, dairy is the last thing you want me to consume right before a flight...
It's hard. My husband and I have been married a little over a year, and we're both fairly young. So for us, it's a mix of trying to figure out this whole being adults thing as well as figure out how to be each other's partners in life. I think "maintaining" a marriage is fairly accurate, because I read it as…
One option would be those programmable socket timers that people use for lamps and stuff. Set it to come on at a particular time (so whatever time is say 8 hours before you are due home) then it'll send power to the slow cooker, cook the food then you'll stroll in through the door as it's finishing!
This is how you do it. You take a plastic container that will fit in the medicine cabinet on it's side. You fill it with marbles and then take a piece of cardboard and use it as a lid. You place the container in the cabinet cardboard side out and close the door sliding the cardboard out. Then when some looky-lou…
I can get my sorry ass to the gym three times a week. I can load the plates onto my bar, and I can squat all by myself like a big girl.
Here's a list of people who don't know if Adnan killed Hae: the police, the jury, the judge, the prosecutor, Cristinia Gutierrez, Hae's family, Adnan's family, Jen, Sarah Koenig, you, me, everyone else in the world.
$20 says the crew was in the wings holding the stage manager back from killing that asshole. You do NOT walk across a live set. Rude, uncouth rectal marionette...
I'm assuming someone was assigned the job, but was like "Oh, it's lunchtime, fuck it, I'm going to Whataburger"
I guess you mean well.
"saying he'd purchased it in 1999 but had never used it"
The pending race war.
He's been a fan for 10 years, and I am older than 10. I am admittedly bad with numbers…did I make a very embarrassing mistake? Should I just pretend to be seven now?
I moved back home to suburban Phoenix...zero customers (or coworkers) who knew how to correctly pronounce difficult words like "jalapeño,"
You don't understand. He's white.