
This was my face when, upon entering the Real World, I figured out how little I knew about sex...

They actively discourage the concept that contraception is actually effective. From a local ISD here (I live in TX:)

I totally agree with this!

swimsuits for all! gabifresh for swimsexy line! underwire! hurray!


HAHA, I looked at this for like two straight minutes before I noticed the secret wolf

a curly-hair specific salon changed my (hair) life.

im 27 and when i visit my mom i ask her to braid my hair because i can’t <<shame>>

Christ. I would like to ask these guys wtf they are thinking when they do shit like this. Just the other day in fact, I was waiting at a red light when the guy in the car next to me yells at me to ask if i would like a free TV. Out of the back of his car. After he wouldn’t stop bugging me about it after I declined, i

I’m not sure I could pin down the very first time, but I’m sure it was something along the lines of a catcall when I was 10-12, probably similar to a lot of other people’s experiences.

THIS HAPPENED TO ME. I was equally ragey

i feel you.

i read this headline and i felt my eyes literally widen in surprise

Props, cause just reading your post gave me anxiety.

I witnessed something similar. Guy in car next to me at a Target parking lot at straight up noon, lots of people around, very sunny outside. Hits his girlfriend across the face with a closed fist. Drives away, girlfriend keeps trying to escape the car, he somehow keeps yanking her back in the car and hitting her some

okay, maybe this is TMI, but it's the internet, so. one time i had this terrible and intense pain on my clitoris for about a week. sitting was painful and crossing my legs was painful, and i couldnt for the life of me figure out what it was. then finally one day i figured out that one of the HAIRS from my HEAD had

SUCH a weird feeling

i actively try NOT to let my hair (long, curly, brown) go down any sort of plumbing because i know the hell that awaits me trying to unclog it. this means there is hair everywhere but the plumbing, including the shower wall and randomly in my mouth when we're eating (what?), sticking like glue to the back of my coat,

I went on the pill a year before our wedding so i could make sure my period wouldn't make a surprise visit on that day. My friend tried the pill as well and she had a terrible reaction to it—cramps all the time, spotting, general grossness—so her mom told her it was her body "practicing for a miscarriage"

Your vision was my reality. My husband and I are both pretty leftist, but due to a combo of years of shaming and religious indoctrination, we were both virgins on our wedding night and spent literal years working through all the issues that you mentioned. It was so traumatic for us that we vowed to not teach our kids