Mommy Dearest

This is a really great article that examines some of the complexities and tensions within the RR/RH/RJ movement. As someone who used to work for PP, and at the time was frustrated that they’d turn down offers for counter-protests and pro-PP activism, I eventually came to understand why these actions weren’t actually

“She was born with the typical male XY chromosome pattern “

I feel awful for Caster having to have this all play out in front of international media. But I can’t say I don’t see some validity in the sports court’s ruling if all women in these races are being tested and held to the same standards. Natural or not, if the testosterone she’s producing is at a level that gives her

I think most of us here would acknowledge that while sports divisions are binary, gender is not. That requires a very difficult reconciliation.

In our society? You bet. How else would we falsely comfort ourselves with our supposed superiority?

In Medicine there is now something called Just Culture. Everyone makes mistakes, forgets important things, despite the fact of serious consequences, so the goal of reviewing instances of harm is not blame but prevention. It has to do with the fact that most mistakes and harm done at hospitals is unintentional human

I think when you blame people what you are really doing is whistling past the graveyard. “This person did a bad thing. I’m a good person. I will never have to worry about doing this.” It’s just a thing people do, trying to outsmart that “There but for the grace of God go I.” instinct about tragedy. Swept away in flash

This continues to be one of the worst, most naive takes on Deadspin. Sometimes, you can’t operate on what you wish was true and you have to operate on what *is* true.

No, she’s not. The ruling is actually very specific and regards women with XY chromosome pairs. She does not have XX chromosomes.

This stupid thing is said *every* time here and it’s still wrong. Phelps is competing against literally everyone. Semenya is competing against a subset limited to women, while possessing a significant advantage of having male testosterone.

The ruling is specific to 46X/Y people, which means she isn’t a XX chromosome female.  That’s the part Deadspin likes to leave out.

Truly the highest court of them all.

I’m pretty sure she already lost her appeal here too despite the best efforts of the extremely woke Deadspin staff

The only option left is for it to be litigated in the Deadspin comments section

There has never been in the history of humanity a parent who didn’t occasionally become a “bad parent”. It’s called “being human”. It happens. Most of the time, nobody dies. A few of the times your kid gets injured (physically or mentally). Sometimes seriously.  It’s an unfortunate truth of humanity.  

Why this obsession with blame and fault?

Sometimes awful, tragic, utterly heartbreaking stuff happens and no one is to blame.

I had a really hard time discerning the ~point~ of this article. The title suggest that Improper Princesses are a problem, the conclusion just talks about how Beauty is different from the rest of them (which I don’t entirely agree with, having read a lot of IP books in my day). Is it just a literary critique and

Now playing

Respectfully, I think this essay might be stronger if, instead of trying to contrast the McKinley book, you tried to compare how each work tries to tell a feminist tale, and whether or not each does or does not fall short on the merits, or is Of Its Time. Because while I don’t know McKinley’s book, I do know there’s