Considering that he comes from a backing of a family that believes a book written by a bunch of people is:
Considering that he comes from a backing of a family that believes a book written by a bunch of people is:
In California, many junior colleges have arrangements in place to grant automatic acceptance to a UC school, perhaps any UC of the student’s choice. Many people get rejected from UCLA or UC Berkeley, go to a junior college, and then transfer to the schools they were rejected from.
Anyone else notice there’s not a single book in their house? Not even a coffee table book.
We could. Or we could also believe the result of 3 investigations that cleared him. Or you could go deeper into the rabbit hole (if there was one), and check how thorough each of the investigations were. and on and on.
Ya know we had to take a sexual harassment seminar last week, which included questions asking us how acceptable various forms of behavior were. Without exception, all millennial and younger employees got the same question wrong, because they thought ALL the behavior in the questions was unacceptable. Older generations…
I agree with you. But it’s entirely consistent to believe that touching a person’s tattoo without explicit consent is icky behavior and demonstrates disregard for boundaries while also believing that it is not a firing offense. I think he needs to be less touchy-feely, but I don’t think he deserves to be fired for…
There are a few things you never pay full price on if you can help it...and an over-priced college tuition is one of those things.
Even when they have good relations, how many people at this point are so in the clear they can drop 50k a year on a kid’s tuition? even 20k?
As the bills thru grad school approach 250k-750k for a private school, can you really blame them? I mean, Not everyone has that money and one kid, either.
Expecting your parents to pay for college is a boomer throwback. Their income shouldn’t factor into your financial aid, at least with the current formula. They…
What gets me is the selling points were precisely his youth and utter, forced inexperience—it was a blueprint for parental and community abuse wrapped up in pious hypocrisy. These are the same people who fetishize “Baby Jesus” while refusing to think about their relationship with the Christ who lived a life as an…
I concur, as someone who grew up in a similar homeschooled, Christian environment. Leaving is harder and requires more sacrifice than a lot of outsiders can understand.
Seems like this would be less of an issue if students weren’t required to list their parents' incomes on their FAFSA until they were 24 while not able to compel their parents to pay for college. It's a shit rule, and if parents have no intention of paying for their kid's school (and have such a toxic relationship that…
“Seeing the light” may also cut him off from his family and friends. These types are usually taught not to tolerate dissidence. It takes a lot of courage to make this kind of change.
As awful as what he wrote was, he was pretty young and had a lifetime of being conditioned to these beliefs. I suspect he was used by…
Yes. Though it would be better had the book never been written, him taking ownership of his actions now will be cathartic for those who, like me, were led to believe there was something terribly wrong with us if we wanted to experience dating even in a Christian setting. I was kicked out of my family at 15 for being…
And with Joshua Harris, “homeschooled and indoctrinated” is a bit of an understatement. His dad was one of the pioneers of the evangelical homeschooling movement in America going back to the 70s.
I was writing a comment making this same point, but then I realizes a lot of people’s romantic lives were probably fucked up because their parents/pastors/authority figures made them read this book, not because they necessarily chose it for themselves.
Hey now - doesn’t everyone look to homeschooled twenty-one-year-olds for social advice? They’ve experienced so very, very much.
It’s INSANE that a book about relationships written by a 21-year-old became a hit. Absolutely insane. 21-year-olds are IDIOTS. *Especially* 21-year-old dudes. I can’t believe that actual grown ups took him seriously - even evangelical weirdos.
Being raised super evangelical (and being super gay), his book and others like it made my life a living hell. That said, I can’t really muster any anger for him now. I know what that childhood is like, and I can imagine that being home schooled and writing that book at 21 was probably the product of some very…
One of the few good things about getting shipped off to war when I was young, is that it was a crash course in just how naive I was in my early 20's. It is probably a good thing to assume you know less than you think for your entire life, but certainly emphasis that before you’re 26.