
Here’s a little more history on this interesting couple. Timothy is a convicted felon (living in a house full of guns) for armed robbery. He robbed a man at gun point after performing ‘services’ and the guy refused to pay him. He is a male prostitute and frequents ‘grindr’. Timothy, along with his wife Autumn are also

I hope you get this comment...but how do you know Autumn? She is my husband’s ex wife...and yeah everything you said is true

I can tell you! She has no job, no car, a master’s degree in “WebMD”...has 6 kids total, 5 of them taken by dfcs. This is her 4th marriage. She is my husband’s mistake...I mean, ex wife. Her husband, Timothy, is a convicted felon for armed robbery and because he held a man at gun point because the man refused to pay

That is actually true. Her family is embarrassed by her and wants nothing to do with her...and hasn’t in YEARS.

Well, thankfully, my husband (her ex husband) fixed that. She has 5 other kids (before him) that have been taken by dfcs. So thank God no other child will have to suffer. The child in the picture is our 2 year old...she is his womb donor and nothing more. The only reason they got married is because it was all FREE

Haha, hell, it didn’t even cause them a bus fare to get there. They got a ride for free. And the only reason they had theit wedding at this rally is because it was ALL free. Autumn is my ex husbands wife. And we know a lot more about her than the stupid ajc article is telling everyone. She took MY SON (yeah, she is