the reason is the same for why you clip in on a normal bike: when you're clipped in, you use your whole leg: the quad pushes down, the hamstring pulls up. when you're not clipped, you're basically chopping with only your quads.
the reason is the same for why you clip in on a normal bike: when you're clipped in, you use your whole leg: the quad pushes down, the hamstring pulls up. when you're not clipped, you're basically chopping with only your quads.
also this…
She is in school. If you listen to her interview from the day she won, she says she was in chemistry class. And she thought about leaving school to celebrate, but then reconsidered and went on with her lessons as usual.
agreed on the intentional walk point. it's important for pitch count too. i know they're not gassing the ball on an intentional walk, but it's still arm motion, and i think that must count in the long run. if you want to walk a guy, i think you oughta earn it. will be interesting to see how players react to these rule…
the logo is gross, and yeah yeah yeah we love to bitch about lululemon's expensive clothes and weird ex-ceo and white privilege blindness, etc., but i bought dadjeans some athletic shorts from there (lined with a boxer-brief, nice and loose on the outside) and they are his favorite. he is a normal dude who otherwise…
huh? if by "grownup books" you mean "commercial beach reads" then sure, I guess. Lots of grownup books are difficult, presenting complex problems and deep characters that stick with readers for ages. Any syllabus from a college level intro to literature course will offer a list of books that stand the test of time.
troy patterson, author of the so-pretentious-i-can't-tell-if-it's-real column for gentleman at Slate handled the question of portly male formalwear much better this week:…
yes! i am of average height with muscular thighs (ok, maybe fleshier than I'd like) and some more butt than I am generally comfortable with. the Banana Republic skinny jeans with the higher waist—-some might call it a MOM WAIST—-are the best jeans on the planet. i want to be buried in mine.
that is some straight up 1950s shit
We probably have Jessica Williams to thank for this , at least in part. (Comedy Central link didn't work so I had to use Yahoo)
yeah BUT, those songs were huge when the movie came out——NOT so much radio (over)play when it was being filmed. i'm not saying they were unknown songs (duh, they were top 40) but even if they were major songs when the movie was being filmed (a year before release at least), who's to say the pop music listening public…
worth remembering that the movie is shot 10-12 months (or more) before release... so the line may have been stronger during filming.... which makes me think it must be *really hard* to be the person(s) who have to figure out the musical numbers for this movie and the sequel.... how do you know which numbers will…
OK, yes, birth control is awesome, but I'm fairly certain that the HL decision only refuses coverage for IUDs, Plan B, and 2 other things it (wrongly) considers abortificants. Hormonal birth control is not in this list. "The companies objected to covering intrauterine devices and so-called morning-after pills, saying…
So pumped for this! Sad that shame is not represented, as it is a totally misunderstood and under-studied emotion unique to humans, but still, this will be neat-o.
I know this is weird and that there must have been other evidence/lack of evidence that led to Simpson's acquittal, but given the time delay between the murders and the trial, and given its prominence in the "lore" of that trial, isn't anyone bothered or suspicious of the whole "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit"…
YES! When my boo and I were dating, I loved smelling his old spice deos, and one day I ran out and he had a stick in my bathroom and suddenly it all made sense: "I like this smell. I want to smell like it." He gave zero shits, because he is not a superficial dope. And then my days of buying $12 women's…
shaving cream is also a racket. many of you don't need it, in particular if your body hair is generally soft. i shave with a men's razor and warm water and i moisturize when i hop out of the shower. i can count the times i've cut myself in the last 20 years on 1 hand.
also: women's deodorant. PLEASE. dadjeans and i…
That's fair. I guess my reservation in clinging to the mental health aspect—-though I don't deny it is a contributing factor—-is the way that particular argument often demonizes mental health issues. Or maybe a better way to say that is that while it often begins with reasonable and nuanced arguments about the need…
it seems worth noting that while Green may not be a licensed clinician, she does point to an unhealthy culture of misogyny that, inflated in the heads of the desperate, *could* lead to violent ends, and in fact does so far more than any of us, men or women, should be comfortable with. Mental health is in play in the…