I dunno—I know T hates Baldwin’s take and that enough is reason to love it, but I really don’t like Baldwin’s impression. It’s too on the nose, and just bums me out. There’s nothing funny about this guy.
I dunno—I know T hates Baldwin’s take and that enough is reason to love it, but I really don’t like Baldwin’s impression. It’s too on the nose, and just bums me out. There’s nothing funny about this guy.
I feel like I should chime in here.
Not to mention, conquering a fear of stairs/being able to descend them with alternating feet is an important sign of normal development in children. My nephew couldn’t even advance past his first preschool room at, like, age 3 until he could ascend and descend the stairs like a big boy. The task was embedded in about…
That’s not really what I mean. It’s the case that the government is/was actually NOT EQUIPPED, systematically, for modern computing. Obama was first prez to have a cell phone ffs. lots of other details re: unreliability of various systems that basically required C to use a different system just to stay on top of…
For nuance here, it is worth listening to the This American Life episode that ran the weekend before the election—nov 5 I guess. The state department and government are so woefully behind re: personal computing that Clinton’s arrangements hardly seem out of the ordinary, much less criminal.
He really shouldn’t be having 4 slices of sandwich bread every day. That is way too many simple carbs.
f makeup. I wear it occasionally when I really want to look put together, but that is maybe 4 times a year. I have a vivid memory of seeing my mom without makeup for what seemed like the first time when I was a small kid, and it freaked me right out to know that (her made-up face) was not her actual face. To me,…
Honorary degrees don't mean shit, MHP, and given that you are someone who holds a real doctorate, I think you know that.
Help me out: I want a suburu (either forester or outback) for theoretical child/ren. My rationale is that they hold their value, are cool as hell, roomy, tough (we like to camp and travel and stuff), and tho in SUV class, not obnoxiously huge like the newer 4Runners, etc. Spouse is freaked by the price tag, would…
It is a thing. Maybe not a proper cocktail, but a thing people drink. It’s called colloquially a “skinny bitch,” haha, though no bartender would know that. It's actually fine. Not one of the first 5 things I might want to drink, but definitely will do in a pinch.
Have never been knocked up so pardon the ignorance but, like, isn't the BABY sort of a push present?
Don’t forget, also, that most politicians have to win experience at the local level before they can ascend, so whatever ding dong gets a city council seat may one day run for mayor, or governor, or senate, or, gasp, president! Power starts at the bottom!!! VOTE!
Ok but this reasoning is built on a false idea that if you don't vote, somehow nothing will happen, and your not voting will get noticed and then candidates will change in order to win your vote. But that's not how it works. How it works is this: the people who do vote get to choose, and they are the only ones the…
Ok it's true that the population of the city proper is only about half a mil but the metro area is home to over 2 million people.
That distance—from Union Station to Liberty Memoial—is about a half mile. And of course people were stacked all the way down to, like, 10th street, which is about a mile in the other direction (though they were not thronged 4 blocks wide as in the shot above). Incredible!
Strong agreement. I ran in sauconys for years, custom fit at my local running shop, and never made it a calendar year without injury. Switched to minimalist shoes (these and some from new balance) and have never looked back, going on 3 years now. I only run 10-15/wk and balance with other activities but these are the…
Strong agreement. I ran in sauconys for years, custom fit at my local running shop, and never made it a calendar…
Where do you see current valuation? The price in this article is 1989 dollars, and with a tree growing through the roof. Now that it's renovated and carrying the design creds, I assume the valuation is much, much higher.
Agree that it would be rapey, but this seems more like a lazy eyelid thing—it doesn't look intentional to me. Am I wrong?
They can hold her in contempt and jail her though. Elected officials aren’t above the court. At least this is what I learned from the HBO miniseries Show Me A Hero, in which some city council members were fined and threatened with jail time if they did not vote to move forward with the court ordered fair housing plan.
They had a feud back in the 90s when she had her tv show. I don't remember the specifics but you could google it if you are really curious.