Giant Lobster Monster
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Will it include a crossover with Sherlock Hound?

I’m 100% certain that she married him for his money and expected him to die a long time ago. I don’t think she’s a stupid woman, she was well aware of his history and likely didn’t care... usually... but to cheat on her right after the birth of their son? That... that is some low shit. Having a kid has a toll on the

Its called ‘money’ and ‘power’.

Haters gonna hate

WRC is kicking butt now!!! I found WRC clips back in 2000-01, when my brother became a big Subaru fan (he got a WRX the first year they were for sale in the US), and finally watched entire seasons (of highlights) starting in 2009.

But Nintendo must be thinking they can kill it even more, since they’re saying that they’re releasing the NES Classic to literally garner more interest. Just seems like odd reasoning to me.

Just wondering why do you want them to be different then the first batch? I’m pretty sure its going to come with the same games as the first release.

I second this comment. My first love was a manual ‘94 Escort wagon. In Teal. Boom goes the dynamite!

To all the purist commenters...


Good. The Japanese shouldn’t have to abandon one of their religious symbols because some white people fucked up and now want to forget the symbol ever existed. Anyone who things otherwise is a fucking idiot and can go fuck themselves.

It’s alot like coal industry argument. “we’re gonna lose our jobs to the newer energy businesses.” Well, that’s a good thing. Progress has to be made and we can’t just be holding back our advancement because people’s jobs are affected. Can you imagine how many farrier’s lost their jobs when the automobiles became

At one point in history, workers shoveling coal in ship’s boilers had similar feelings.

Yeah, I distinctly remember Secret of Mana costing my folks $90 at the riverwalk in San Antonio. In today’s money that’s “I don’t want to think about it” dollars.

Every time someone growls about current-gen games costing USD 60, I think back to the copy of Chrono Trigger my parents picked up for me on launch day; I believe it cost $80 in 1995, and this would’ve been at a PX on a military post (where initial cost is not lower, but tax is generally waived on most purchases).


In a weird way, this video looks exactly the same as the PS2 version to me. Not because it isn’t a vast improvement, but because I’ve romanticized my memories of my favourite game so much that this was how I always pictured it.

There are no lenses in her glasses.

Intelligent... variable... transmission... So it gets dumb sometimes or what?

Maaaaan, now I wish there were a WipEout anime!

I've been telling everyone I know this recently: the next GTA HAS TO BE SET IN late-1970s New York City :) Imagine! Star Wars, disco, a devastated and torn NYC. It's PERFECT for a GTA game and imagine the music, the clothes, the cars etc!!!