But it had no boot up sound.
But it had no boot up sound.
You could also just flip it upside down.
Go back to the abyss
I recently got Horizon: Zero Dawn for $33 CAD on the PS Store. No way I would ever pay $60 US for this antiquity.
Seriously, as someone who constantly looks at prices on both Steam and PSN, I can tell you that there are much better deals, much more often on the PSN.
Same here. Since the 1980's, my family has always had a PC. Starting from when the Snes came out, I’ve always adopted a PC+console model. I would never want to abandon any of these platforms.
I don’t mind it. Unless it’s fake. Then I hate it very very much.
I don’t mean to defend Steven Seagal, but he’s a guy who doesn’t just “cosplay” tough guys. He’s a proper martial artist before being an actor.
I really dislike the concept of loot boxes and drop rates. Just make the boss harder and promise me the goods when I beat it.
Wait until July so you can smoke weed too.
I can’t wait until they make it legal to have guns and rifles so we can be cool like the Americans!
Yes it works I did exactly that during heaving rain in a 2011 Impreza hatch.
I kept my Snes all this time so I didn’t need to pay to get these games back. I plan on getting the Secret of Mana PS4 remake though. That game was just amazing.
When I first played the Witcher 3, I remember thinking: “This map is both bigger AND richer than Skyrim’s.” By richer, I mean richer in variety and denser in points of interests. My mind was blown.
I just bought a 1060 3GB, and I’m not really that impressed. I feel like there is less and less of a gap between consoles (I have a regular PS4) and PC, unless you have a super expensive GPU.
He must have played it on PS4.
They remind me of the protagonists in the Dark Crystal.
I’m lucky enough not to have to dodge landmines AND not to live in the US! I won the lottery!