Giant Lobster Monster

Something I do and don’t consider cheating: Looking online for the remaining collectibles’ location when it’s the last thing I need for Platinum.

Replace “Console” with Xbox One. What you said doesn’t apply to owning a PS4.

I was just naming the ones I’m interested in. There are obviously muuuuuuch more!

I know right? I had to make that same choice and decided to get FF15, just because it came out a week earlier and I didn’t want to wait any longer for any of those games! Although I’m lucky enough to have enough disposable income for both, I don’t have time for both, so I’ll get The Last Guardian after I Platinum

I see. Well on the bright side, there are several excellent PS4 exclusives coming that will make you a happy owner in the long term. I’m really looking forward to the Uncharted 4 additional content, God of War 4, The Last of Us 2, Gran Turismo, Dragon Quest 11, and maybe even Hellblade.

Why can’t you play both PS4 and PC?

Oh snap!! I made a point of not looking anything up on the internet, but if the info comes from a fellow player like you, it’s fine right? So: WHERE IS IT?? I might not be far enough yet. I got 100k in XP just waiting to be multiplied.

Oh snap!! I made a point of not looking anything up on the internet, but if the info comes from a fellow player like

Yeah. I had waited long enough. I don’t mind having paid more. I’m 48 hours in and really enjoying it. I love the bounty hunts. It’s pretty much all I do. That and sleeping at that fancy ocean hotel to multiply my XP by 2.

Yeah. I had waited long enough. I don’t mind having paid more. I’m 48 hours in and really enjoying it. I love the

I could easily see it blend in in the automobile fauna.

No. He just broke a leg falling. The horse, the girl and the boy all leave together at the end.

Or spend half on games and the other half on porn.

I got Dragon’s Crown for free on PS+ back in the days. I totally agree about the $50 paying for itself, especially if you take into account the discounts you get in the store. Those discounts on top of the Flash Sale prices often lead to amazing deals. I remember getting Witcher 3 and MGS5 for $25 when they were still

McDonald’s is the world’s most popular restaurant.


Same here. FF 9 and Tactics are my favorites, I was very reluctant about getting 15, and so far I’m really enjoying it. I’m lvl 23 and I’m really looking forward to playing again later today after some stupid interview I have.

Really? I have 9 real life friends who bought FF15, and none bought a physical copy. While it might not be a representative sample, I’m sure digital sales at least double this figure.

No one lives like that. They are mostly used by drunk office workers who missed their last train. I’m surprised anyone who went to Japan would think some houses are designed like capsules hotels.

As a person from Québec, let me be the first to say: That maintenance truck at the end of the video desperately trying to spread sand in a last effort before peril is fucking hilarious!! 

Right. I remember him saying that. One more reason not to wait. I do play a lot of computer, but it’s mostly for RTS and FPS. The last thing I would wait for on my PC is a JRPG.   

So true. I love PC and all, but I would never wait for the game to come on PC before playing it. I’ve waited long enough. It looks good enough on PS4. It will take th team a looooong time to optimize it enough to look even equally as good on PC.