
Just because you had a positive experience with your rescue, does not mean that others will have the same. Obviously not all dogs are the same and some recuperate from abuse different from others. Clearly Lamby’s case was on the extreme and Dunham did what she thought best. I adopted a rescue when she was approx. 6

One of my biggest pet peeves with the MTA is the way they make the announcements during delays. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to open your mouth and speak legibly into the PA system (or wtvr it’s called). You just see these dumbfounded looks of confusion on every passengers and it’s so frustrating when you’re

Do you live in NY and take the subway every day? For someone who’s commuted on it for the last 20 years, I can assure you all the shit it gets is validated and then some. I think some 3rd world countries have better and more efficient ways of getting around. Just because it’s a 24/7 service, doesn’t give it a right to

I do not feel bad for the MTA workers, especially the train conductors, who can’t speak legibly when making announcements. It’s embarrassing and pathetic, stop fucking gurgling into the PA system and speak normally you imbeciles!

But Ed Sheeran won’t perform in Saudi Arabia :(