does it offer Windowshade functionality? I'd love to have that back without the APE haxie.
does it offer Windowshade functionality? I'd love to have that back without the APE haxie.
I, for one, am exceedingly tired of the all-too-familiar Burton tropes: the heavy goth make-up and the Zany! cast of characters played by the same stable of actors/actresses. What was once weirdly fresh (Burton's absurdist goth take on Americana) is not boring and derivative of his other works.
some quibbles with the worst of list (and if you read my take on Alien/Aliens before you'll know what to expect):
Chrome on my work computer renders type perfectly but Chrome on my MacBookPro laptop renders some text into unintelligible glyphs (or, Simish as I like to say). Can figure out why or how to fix but forums are crying out for Google to fix.
the laws of supply and demand are steadfast - except in the case of oil/gasoline. still doesn't tackle the issue of hoarding and/or not releasing oil reserves so that the market has plenty of supply to keep up with demand and thus not artificially inflating prices because supply it too slow/low to keep up with demand.…
but why wasn't she wearing any shoes in her scenes? that stupid fact really stuck in my craw.
I meant, it's not as awful as Green Arrow. ;-)
what is the name of the font?
disagree... artwork on the new Green Arrow is mind-bottlingly awful-er
i find it one of life's little ironies that I'm a D-minus math student who needs to use fingers & toes to add up my restaurant bill but I excel at computers (programming BASIC back in the day and at the formulas in charts/budgets. I don't know why but I "get" computers... math always seems so ephemeral to me (how can…
i always thought that was a brilliant conceit... and one that had never occurred to me before watching that ep of Star Trek TNG.
these tests are designed to have failure as the outcome.
you were supposed to get 25gb free anyway by downloading the ios app back in Jan as directed by this LH post []
I am not getting the "Free upgrade!" next to my basic 7GB and kinda pissed about that, considering i got the ios app as directed by this Lifehacker post in January [ [] ] and was guaranteed 25GB then.
i re-read what I wrote and it seems as if I'm arguing with you when in fact I'm agreeing with your post. thanks for the 'promote'
...or a golden rod.
"I love my dead gay son."
anyone else skeeved out at Annie? I generally don't post comments about stuff like this but they certainly didn't do her any favors. she's kind of a Monet, but with the added white make-up and closeup shots, man... she's no oil painting. She initially reminded me of a Laura Dern/actress who played "Ellen"-type. I…
Routinely, some of the most clever and brightest adverts I've ever seen. They (Target Inc.) are groundbreakers when it comes to branded marketing, such as when they did elaborate spreads like this in the early '00s in Wallpaper* magazine (a euro-centric publication) even though they didn't have stores in Europe.
Anyone can plainly see that he has a late-twentieth century look about him and not an old-timey appearance.