while you may be schooled, that does not equate to talent. I went to school, but I consider my education to be the self-taught tools of the trade I use.
while you may be schooled, that does not equate to talent. I went to school, but I consider my education to be the self-taught tools of the trade I use.
that seems like an awful lot of work. I already know if things suck or are coming up roses BY ASKING MYSELF.
I have all Sony products, dvd player, tivo (Series 1), flatscreen tv, blu-ray and playstation 3. I got most everything on sale or at some kind of discount and like them because they all play nice together (HDMI Control). Had to get rid of the wifi blu-ray player as it was A) slow as hell and B) wouldn't play…
are you mad at the ridiculously convoluted product name – or that particular kind of storage medium itself?
saw it last night (one day after the premiere) and can unequivocally tell you there already IS an after credits scene. so whatever is/was shot the night of the premiere is probably either a replacement scene or a home video or web bonus.
Frak. Me.
Ugh, why do that whole write up AND NOT PROVIDE A LINK to the product????111
Yeah, but it anybody using it tho?
Clearly, remnants from Kashyyyk. I hope he/she/it will be accorded every Life Day tradition.
These helped me make The Kessel Run in under 12 parsecs. And by "Kessel Run", I mean banging my boyfriend. Zing!
Um, I wouldn't say "entirely". But that's just me, since I actually listened to it.
I think Alien is a virtuoso work of suspense AND horror, but it moves a little to lethargically for my taste. Aliens is an action-horror movie with actual character development which notches it up to number one on my list. Alien is definitely in my top 10 though. I know, heresy!
Aliens is hands-down my favorite all-time film of ANY genre. Just pitch perfect in tone. I can watch whenever it's on and get into it no matter if I miss it from the beginning. No other movie (specifically the Alien sequels or "military vs alien invader" genre) does a better job of clearly drawing/identifying a whole…
worst. app icon. ever.
My good friend Julia runs Safety Graphic Fun : [juliasmexicocity.typepad.com]
saddest film i ever did see was "Haitchi, A Dog's Tale" with Richard Gere. i bawled and bawled and bawled.
at just under a half-an-hour, waaaay too long. if you need a half hour to explain anything, count me out.
There's something about the drab design aesthetic of ST:TMP costumes that I really loved - although, I admit, there were too many variations. Apparently these would have stuck for subsequent sequels but for how painfully uncomfortable the floating belt buckle was right at belly button level. True story.
agreed. I was put off – there's no better way to put it – by Meg's diction/elocution. It became an annoyance.
what does that mean for iChat? Apple will have to find another platform to glob onto?