Wait, it’s weird to pop into your local bodega for a single can of Coke? I’m more of a Diet Pepsi girl, but that sounds like my standard trip to a bodega.
And for girl names, it’s anything that ends in a vowel sound, preferably an “uh” sound. Sophia, Olivia, Ava, Mia, Isabella, Emma, Amelia, Stella...
Honestly, fuck you for coming back and digging in your heels on this bad take. It’s incredibly rude of you to sit there with multiple children who you claim are “magical” and shame other people for wanting that.
The lack of explanation is so fucking infuriating. For me, it’s not getting pregnant that’s the problem; it’s staying pregnant. My husband and I saw a specialist recently, and she said that since I don’t have any family history of fertility problems and I’m in good general health, I “probably” don’t have anything…
Congrats on being soooo fertile that you didn’t have to think about why you wanted to have kids before you had them, I guess. Not all of us are so lucky.
My 34Gs and I agree. I dream about having a reduction.
They can date the fetus via ultrasound image, though. You can lie and say you’re only 5 weeks, but if you get an ultrasound, they can tell within a day or two how far along you are.
Pregnancy is technically chemical until 6 weeks, meaning that it’s an embryo, not a fetus, until that point. Before 6 weeks, it’s just multiplying cells in the wall of your uterus, so there’s nothing to surgically remove.
Thank you. I haven’t been on Jez much in the last couple of years, but I remember you and that you have kiddos. It’s nice to hear of a success story after recurrent miscarriage. <3
I’m sorry for your loss. I’ve had two miscarriages this year, which has been frustrating and devastating. I’ve been tracking my cycles with an app for years, and one of the more frustrating things I learned is that it has an option for marking down that you’re pregnant, but no option for marking down that you’ve lost…
The only ultrasound image I’ve ever seen had my dead baby in it, so that’s pretty triggering for me.
Hugs to you. <3
As someone who has had 2 miscarriages so far in 2019, I’d like to issue a very hearty, very personal “fuck you” to the Biebers. I sincerely hope they never have to find out firsthand how painful jokes like this can be for some people.
I hate what the Ricketts have done to Wrigley. Wrigley was one of the last, if not the last, old-school ballparks. Hungry? Your options are hot dogs, pretzels, and helmet nachos. You want a beer? Old Style or Bud Light only. You want to be comfortable? Bring a cushion for your bleachers seat. You want entertainment? I…
That 4Lz was STUNNING.
Nathan Chen has never trained in Colorado Springs. He currently trains in CT (he’s a freshman at Yale) and LA.
I support this. Pitchers are the fucking worst. Braxton, do you REALLY need to take off your hat, put it back on, walk in a circle 3 times, lick your fingers, look back, look forward, and THEN start your wind-up EVERY SINGLE PITCH?! It’s honestly amazing to me that coaches allow kids to get into these routines from a…
I just went through a miscarriage at the end of January, and while it’s been incredibly painful, I am thankful it happened early enough in the pregnancy that I didn’t have to make a decision like yours. Thank you for sharing your story, and I’m so sorry for your loss.
That piece on Gold was fantastic. I am truly rooting for her. I’d love to see her come back to competition, but I mostly hope she goes on to live a happy, healthy adult life.