Molly with the Mediocre Hair

THIS. People seem to think that women always need to be more like men, but really, I would propose that men should be more like women because they are much more disgusting creatures than we are.

Exactly this. Women are already disadvantaged in retirement savings because of the time they take off for family leave (and, you know, the wage gap). Women also live longer than men on average, so they need the money they do save for retirement to stretch longer.

I could probably keep my pregnancy a secret on social media, but I definitely could not keep a vacation like that secret. I pretty much only Instagram when I’m on vacation!

You can’t put child support in a pre-nup, though, so she’ll at least get that. And I’m sure there’s a provision for monthly maintenance (alimony) in the pre-nup.

I kind of hoped it was fake! That would’ve been genius. But I’m not surprised she was actually pregnant. It was pretty clear.

The performative aspect of pregnancy in the social media age drives me insane. Motherhood, too. I have to admire the people who just suddenly show up with a months-old baby in a photo their friend posted like it’s no big deal.

Right? I’m 30 and have been married for 5 years and am thankful for my IUD every day. I’m scared of planned pregnancy! Being pregnant sounds terrifying, even when you’re prepared for the resulting parenthood!

Not gonna lie, it made me want to have a baby.

No way can they move these jobs overseas and keep free 2-day shipping.

This is exactly why I’m scared of the Instant Pot. I don’t fuck with pressure cookers!

“The Star-Spangled Banner” is a terrible national anthem. It’s a fine song, just not a good choice for the anthem. I’ve always thought “America the Beautiful” is far superior.

That tweet makes me furious. “We made all our board members resign (note: we didn’t fire them) not because it was the right thing to do, but because the USOC forced us to. We’d also like to thank them for their many years of service and acknowledge their effort in covering up serial child molestation.”

BRB going to listen to College Dropout as a palate cleanser

From the other foot, it looks like the strap only goes around her big toe, so it might just be camouflaged based on the angle of the shot. But yeah, that is super weird. 

Is it available to view anywhere? That sounds really good.

I need to watch it! It keeps popping up on my Netflix “recommended for you” list.

Why don’t they tell the story of Lady Grantham’s family? She is an American after all and a New Yorker. It would be interesting to hear the story of her well-to-do parents/family during that same time period instead of completely unrelated characters.

Same! How the tables have turned.

At least sweatpants are comfy. I don’t understand the bike shorts look Kim has been sporting lately. (These are from the Yeezy Season 6 campaign, but she has worn bike shorts on several other occasions.) It looks like she forgot to put her pants/skirt on over her Spanx.

Has anyone else read Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng? This story made me think of that book.