Molly with the Mediocre Hair

Oh, come on. You know that if she didn’t respond, people would’ve written op-eds being like, “Why hasn’t Hillary responded? Does she endorse sexual harassment?” Everything Hillary Clinton does and does not do is news and has been since at least 1992.

If Hillary was President right now, DACA would still be in place.

I have absolutely no desire to breastfeed and desperately wish there was some sort of injection or pill I could take to just skip the whole boob transformation part of pregnancy. Sigh.

In the words of Ms. Swift herself: This is why we can’t have nice things.

bahahaha Well, Elgin West will live in my heart.

West Chicago West

This is an amazing piece of trivia.

Central Park West

My personal choice would be Elk Grove Village West.

Fucking finally. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out!

Bernadette Peters is currently starring on Broadway in Hello, Dolly! She definitely still has the voice.

In the book, she sells the house and moves to her rental apartment in a different suburb with the boys.

I share your hatred of spoiler snowflakes. YOU’VE HAD TIME, PEOPLE!

I’m confused because I saw that Alexander Skaarsgard will also be returning for season 2. he not dead? Or are there just going to be a lot of flashback scenes? 

That appears to be the direction the USOC is pushing USAG.

I have very mixed emotions about decertifying USAG. On one hand, I totally agree with you. USAG placed medals and money over the safety of children, and fuck them forever and ever for doing that. On the other hand, decertifying USAG would harm a lot of people who had nothing to do with any of this, especially current

Unforunately, I doubt it’ll spill over into football and men’s basketball because those are Man Sports with Man Athletes and the Nassar’s victims were overwhelmingly female in a female-dominated sport. The underlying sexism in this case is extremely depressing.

I honestly don’t even know what a football program has to do to get the death penalty anymore. Penn State made it clear that nothing is bad enough.

I could not BELIEVE that guy said that. I mean, obviously that’s everyone’s motivation in defending her, but I just couldn’t believe he admitted it out loud. It was a stunning moment.

I do not hope he is beaten daily, but I do join you in your hope that he lives to be 110. Instead, I hope that every single day until then, he spends every moment of every day knowing with certainty that he is the lowest scum on the face of the earth and that his entire life has been less than meaningless.