Molly Gero

Umm… I completely agreed with Crosby's reaction to being told he had to get a minivan. I am 45 years old and I never, ever, will own a minivan. And I am not even in the music industry. Someone in his work has an even more legitimate reason to complain. I did not think he was an "asshole" or "childish" for being

I know this is not really that important, but I kept being distracted during the last 20 minutes as Eli/Elsbeth were in court at the same time that Peter/Maddie were debating. Aren't court cases during the daytime and governor's debates at nighttime?
So then when, on his break, Peter called Eli at court to discuss

I liked Cory Monteith, and was sad about his death, but this episode was HORRIBLE.  It was just random and gratuitous scenes of crying or yelling or singing, designed (as if by a teenage writer) with no purpose or point except to tug at the heartstrings and manipulate.  It was Grief Porn.  Gross!