
Seeing how a judge was involved in the decision, I have to assume a medical expert was consulted.

This sort of guy truly truly believe the evolutionary psych crap about men growing better with age like a fine wine that sexy 18 year olds want.

He wants a woman with back problems, apparently.

On the flip side of that, depending on the nature of the relationship between the spouses, a person with dementia/alzheimers may indeed want to have sex. My coworkers father just passed away from cancer, and her mother has Alzheimer's. She is fairly certain they continued their sexual relationship after her diagnosis.

I think, more than anything, I’d like to know his side (not the statements of his lawyers). Most of us here are fairly comfortable with the concept of somebody not being capable of consent, but for a guy who’s almost 80, if his wife seemed coherent and consenting I don’t think there should be any surprise he would

I know nothing about this man, but I get the feeling that at no point during his marriage to this woman, did it ever matter to him whether his wife was consenting to sex or not.

At the same time, adults who are not fully in control of their facilities might still want intimacy and desire sex. Who gets to decide if they can have it?

How charitable of you.

So are children of nursing home residents. I worked in a nursing home as a teenager; my mother is still a nurse at one. She’s told me many stories of residents in dementia wards getting it on with each other— and the only people who are really horrified are the children. “Ick, Mom/Dad is too old for that!” My mom, who

Listen, you really believe that a bunch of strangers who are only paid to warehouse someone and meet minimum medical needs are more qualified to determine someone’s sexual intent than the person’s spouse? Go read the New York Times article this is ripped off from and then I think you’ll better understand the issues.

Yeah, I know a lady with early on-set Alzheimers and she talks pretty openly about her desire to still boink her husband. In the same breathe she’ll tell you that you are locked out of the house and should call the police to get access- all the while you are sitting in the living room with the TV on. The husband is

“I know nothing about this man, but I get the feeling that he’s a rapist. He just looks like a rapist.”

Let’s not insult women for their looks and stick to insulting their backwards fucking misinformed beliefs, kthx

This is a major peeve of mine as well. Abortion is legal and nobody needs a “good” reason to get one.

Yes. If you recall, Savita Halappanavar was denied the procedure in Ireland due to a still-detectable fetal heartbeat while she was miscarrying. The forced wait killed her.

What fraternity is this shirt from?

This man is what public shaming was made for.

I don’t have any bias

Wow. Your level of umbrage is telling. At the mere suggestion that black teachers might perhaps be better at presenting black role models, you are having a little pity party because you feel insulted. Sure, sure, you definitely don’t have any bias you’re unaware of...