Remember how this article is about phthalates, not bisphenol A?
Remember how this article is about phthalates, not bisphenol A?
Story time? When you hooked up with husband or with brother? Statement is ambiguous and I want me some juicy stories to brighten up my monday, so feel free to make something up.
I think you forgot to call me milady?
She approached the car with the intention of causing them harm. If she warned them off beforehand verbally (or with this massive dog) and then they came after her absolutely she should defend herself. But she spoke to them in a friendly way, approached the car and then assaulted them. The law is by no means on her…
Fun fact! I'm not a sunset, ocean, or waterfall! I'm a person and a person who (even though you think your eyes popping out of your skull is subtle) does notice people staring at me like a piece of meat. Just ew.
Nope. This is assault. Not ok as a response ever.
Most guns have a safety yes. But this person made a series of mistakes ... the firearm should not be loaded unless you intend on firing, the safety should have been on, the gun should probably have been in a case for transport (depending on the laws of the area), and and and. This person was incredibly cavalier with…
Did you read past the first sentence of that reply?
Just a stab in the dark, but something tells me that your skin is white....
Look up soylent. It already exists.
Ah yes, the "It's just one time so it's not domestic violence" defense.
.... No. Go back and read wikipedia more carefully. Then stop saying "science" has proven your idiotic claims because it's highly irritating to us scientists. Also quantum mechanics pretty much renders your precious causal determinism b.s. Sorry.
Oh no! Not those chemicals! It's almost like every single substance that we know of is composed of them!* Like every single cell in your body contains millions of 'em! Like you spend your entire life manufacturing them and devouring them to keep yourself from death!
I'm sorry for your loss. Burrito puppy?
I don't think this means what you think it means?
I wish there was a negative stars button...
I think so too?
Did I say anything about punishing Eric? I'm saying first off Kat Callahan is taking a few sparse facts/statements and then making up a story. I'd rather hear what Eric actually has to say before filling in his entire narrative. We owe him that. This school though clearly failed utterly, there should be some firings…